
I love to sew.  It's one of my favorite hobbies.  I hardly EVER do it.  At our old house, I didn't have a spot to set up my machine.  Anywhere I set up- was in the way.  In the rental- we use the "dining room" as an art room.  It has all of mine and Alexa's arts and crafts.  Since it's summer, I have time to sew, and I had a project to work on.

It's so satisfying creating something.

About 2 months ago, I decided Alexa needed a new, more grown up bedspread.  The one she has isn't bad.  She has had the same fabric and "theme" since she was born though.  She's 6.  She can have a change.  We called my mom and asked if she wanted to meet us at Mary Jo's (the BEST fabric store in all the world- or my world) and help us.  She did.  Alexa surprised me and picked out purple and blue. Now, if you're thinking sewing is a great way to save money . . . you are WRONG!  I could have bought her something from Pottery Barn for cheaper.  It doesn't help that I had a small measurement fail and bought 2 extra yards of the fleece, I used on the back.  Bummer.  Stupid math. It also doesn't help that I decided the blanket was boring, and needed ribbon to dress it up- that was NOT cheap.  Stupid expensive ideas.  The trouble was- once the idea was in my head, it had to be done, and then I found the most perfect ribbon.  It was unfortunately $28 to do the whole blanket.  I did have a 20% off coupon though.  See . . . sewing isn't always cost effective.  But sometimes it is, just not this time.

She picked the blue fabric with purple flowers.  We found the other fabric to match with it.  

It is almost finished.  Although- I screwed up the back.  :-(((((  and I have to take it off and redo it.  Curses!!!!!!!!!

I also recently decided that my family really needed some cloth napkins.  It all went like this: I was at Hobby Lobby.  I saw their beautiful paper napkins.  I remembered that Alexa used to LOVE "pretty napkins."  I considered buying her some, but they were $5 for 15 napkins.  That seems a bit unreasonable, for something you can't use again.  I thought- "Hey- I could make some "pretty napkins."  I decided I would keep an eye out for good coupons for JoAnn Fabrics, cheap fabric at Wal Mart, or whatever.  Then I discovered Hancock Fabrics was going out of business, so I went.  I bought a bunch of fabric for super cheap.  I have since made 36 napkins, and will be making 8 placemats.  

Look at this boring, despondent meal.  It doesn't have a pretty napkin.  The meal feels incomplete and not quite right. 

But now, look at this meal.  It looks beautiful and complete.  


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