
Showing posts from February, 2011

Homework Help

Well if you've been out of kindergarten for a few years, then you should know, they have homework.  Yes!  Not only do 5 year olds work in school all day learning to read, write, do math, and act socially appropriate- but they must have homework, as well..  So his teacher gave us this black and white marbled journal and every week she gives the students a new set of words.  It started as just studying beginning sounds, but has now advanced to ending sounds.  Mondays we have to sort the words with the corresponding clip art, Tuesdays we can either draw the pictures or cut them out of magazines, Wednesdays is a blind sort (which is pretty much the same thing as Monday) and Thursday is speed sort.  Well- about a month or so ago my angelic, sweet son totally conned me into doing his homework!  I didn't realize I had been conned until 2 weeks later. (should I admit a 5 year old conned me?  Well I am, to prove how smart Andrew is- not how dumb I was.  That's my story and I am st

Preparing for the Gardening Season

So, we are beginning to prep the garden for the cool weather vegetables.  We're growing: carrots, regular peas, snow peas, broccoli, and romaine lettuce.  Oh boy, oh boy!  I am getting so excited for snow peas from the garden!  I remember eating snow peas from the garden of some family friends in Washington state and if these peas taste half as good as my memory, then these are going to be AWESOME! It doesn't look that exciting right now, but soon that rosemary will look better (once I prune the dead parts off) and hopefully our veggies will start growing!  Now you might be looking at this garden and thinking to yourself- "Wait, I thought Kate and Doug lived in North Carolina (we do) but that soil . . . it's so porous (not clumpy for my non-agricultural readers) and brown, not red and clay-like."  Yes, well friends it has taken years of mixing leaves into the soil, but it has made a huge difference!  It's full of organic goodness.  During Thanksgiving, D

Jumping on the Bandwagon

Yep, the Latta Family is jumping on the Blogging Bandwagon and we're starting a blog!  Here's how we came to the decision: Me to Doug: I am thinking about staring a blog, do you have any objections? Doug: "No, I guess not."  (pause as he walks away) "I got all the ashes shoveled and tilled into the garden."  and then he's gone. And that's how the brilliant idea to start a blog was born!