
Showing posts from January, 2012

Told You So!

When you look at this picture are you thinking: "Man!  What a cute, purple jacket?!"  That's what I thought when I wanted to desperately to buy it . . . way back in 8th grade!!!!!!!!!!  Yes, friends.  I have had this jacket since 8th grade!!!!!  Here's the story.  I decided tonight to clean out my closet.  Boy did I clean it out!!!!  I was so motivated, I went from my closet to the coat closet and cleaned it out.  I stumbled upon this jacket.  And thoughts of, "Hah!  I was right and Mom was wrong!!!"  thrilled through me.  I was transported back to 8th grade when I so desperately wanted this jacket and my mother (foolish woman that she was back in 8th grade.  Now she's quite a bit smarter.  Age will do that, I guess.  ;-)  thought it was a frivolous purchase, that I wouldn't get any wear out of it.  I mean- what could I possibly do with an unlined, nylon jacket?  Wear it.  And periodically over the last 21 years- email, call, text her, haunting her


Nothing makes you enjoy your bed more than spending the previous night on the couch. Doug had a nasty stomach virus on Wednesday and so I quarantined him to our bedroom all day and since there was still a haze of virus germs in the air, despite my practically choking him to death with excessive Lysol spraying, I slept on the couch. It sucked. Every time I wanted to turn over, I woke up.  Tonight I was thrilled to be in my bed again especially since my new 400 thread count sheets were bleached and fresh out of the dryer.  My comforter had been Lysoled and aired on the deck all day. It smelled and felt so fresh.  I had my rice bag, heated, and keeping my toes toasty warm. I was so cozy and tired from the not so quality sleep of the previous night, I fell asleep immediately.  Sometime a few hours later in my sleep heavy brain, I heard a knocking and suddenly, I promise I am not making this up, a book hit me square on the side of my face! Doug flies up and is turning on lights, tryin

Karma, It'll Get You Every Time

Tonight as I was fishing the wheat chex out of the chex mix and leaving them all behind for Doug, I felt a smidge bad about it (not bad enough to stop.  I don't really like the texture of the wheat ones.  I've established I'm weird.  I prove it EVERY single blog post).  But then I thought of something he said to me the other day and I thought . . . "This is sort of like karma for that comment."  See how karma comes back to get you?  I bet y'all feel sorry for Doug and all that he has to put up with me, but you know, he's not perfect.  Sometimes he says things that are not up to "Good Husband Etiquette."  Like this one time . . . we may have been still dating- or were engaged.  I don't think we were married yet.  I was feeling really broke at the time and I said, jokingly, "I should go get a job at that topless bar!"  Doug replied, with conviction, "They'd NEVER hire you!"  There was a pause as we both absorbed his re

Dueling Pallets

Wow.  Sibling rivalry starts quickly and intensely!  I've seen signs of it before.  Alexa has always been very possesive of me.  If Andrew attempts to hug me, or I attempt to hug him, she screams, "MINE!"  Or retaliates in some other method that may or may not involve the gnashing of teeth or the swinging of hands.   Tonight their squabble was over a spot on the floor.  It all started with this:  It looks harmless enough.  A red bean bag.  How bad can it be?  Well, if you're not the one sitting on it, it can be a real problem!  Just ask Alexa.  Andrew brought it in to sit on and she was crazed with desire.  Oh boy did she want to sit on that bean bag.  But . . . Andrew wasn't really feeling like sharing with her.  (in his defense, she did color all over it, his Batman Cave, and a few other toys with a dry erase marker yesterday).  To placate her, I made her her own spot on the floor.  I brought her a quilt and a few pillows.  She was totally fine with it.