
Showing posts from March, 2017

I Miss That, But I LOVE This!

This afternoon, I was pulling into the grocery store parking lot, and a lady was walking across the street into the store with the CUTEST 2-ish year old.  She had curly red hair.  Was wearing pink leggings and crocks, and her little feet were just pumping trying to keep up with mom.  I got to missing little bitty Alexa something fierce! Can you blame me?!!!  That girl was so stinking cute.  Temperamental as all get out, but CUTE!!!! So I got my groceries, and came home.  My family came out to greet me, and my children helped carry groceries in.   As I was walking out to the car to get another load- I realized, "Huh.  They got it all."  I didn't have to find a ridiculously light bag for Alexa to carry because she found one on her own to carry, and closed the car up for me.  Andrew actually loves to get groceries out of the car, and likes to carry as many heavy loads as he can.  It makes him feel strong and helpful.  Y'all- my kids were actually helpful.  Not "