
Showing posts from December, 2011

Shopping With a Wack Job

I got some gift cards for Christmas and decided I was going to take advantage of them, and go out- ALL BY MYSELF- this morning and use them.  Before I go, I sort of have a mental list of what I would like to buy: sleep pants, shirts, and a dress.  Really, a dress?  Not a dressy one.  One that is casual enough that if I felt like "snazzing" it up and really surprising my students, I could wear it to school.  I am really liking these sweater ones out right now.  I am a cold natured person- and surely in a sweater dress, I won't feel that cold.  Right? I really live it up and  I go to Target.  Whoa!!!!  I hardly ever go there . . . except for at least once a week. It's different this time, because . . . it just is.  What exciting things did I buy?  A sports bra.  However, in my defense it is one that I really like.  Plus I bought some razors, a new appointment calendar, and anti frizz gel.  If that's not crazy rowdy, I don't know what is.   Notice not one of th

Little Sisters Are Such Pests!!!!

Poor Andrew.  He has a hard lot in life with Alexa.  She's a little sister, need I say more? We were participating in our Christmas Eve tradition, which is to watch a movie (usually a Christmas one, however tonight it's Kung Fu Panda 2), and eat appetizers (veggies & dip, cheese & crackers, mini pizzas, and cookies).  Unfortunately the dvd player in the living room is not working.  So we had to conduct this Christmas tradition in our bedroom.  I spread a big sheet out, and we went to town.  I'll let the following pictures speak for the troubles Andrew had to face.  Andrew, let me give you a pillow Maybe I'l head-butt you instead Don't I look sweet, while I "hug" my brother? No maybe I'll put my bum in his face Hey, Andrew, what's this on your face?  Right HERE!

Glowing Fun

I had no idea Glo Sticks were so fun . . . until tonight.   Sure I've used them at parties or when walking around on Halloween, but it turns out that is sooooo last year!!!  There are tons of awesome things you can do with them! Several weeks ago, I saw on a friend's Facebook page about tonight's use of Glo Sticks.  A comment on her post suggested cutting them open and pouring them into the toilet.  It would make the toilet glow for a long period of time!  I thought that sounded awesome!  What first grader (and myself) wouldn't like that?!  So we tried it.  While this was a totally awesome activity, and I will definitely do this again, I perhaps should have done some research as it was a smidge messy.  First, here are some facts about Glo Sticks (that I researched after the event was overwith):   According to, "Glow sticks glow when certain chemicals inside a flexible plastic tube mix together. When the chemicals mix together, a bunch of electrons reac

Good Helper

Alexa LOVES to help!  I have discovered this weekend that I can head off a major meltdown with these 4 or more little words, "Can you help Momma . . . ?" And then she springs up from the floor where she'd just thrown herself and is ready, willing, and able. I was telling a friend of mine that Andrew is very little help.  She said, "Oh my son is the same way, but my daughter . . . she LOVES to help!  She likes to help with dinner or whatever it is that I am doing."  I just assumed that was the nature of her child, but I was pretty Alexa was not going to be much of a help, but the thing is, she is honestly helpful!  Her teachers were telling us last week that after nap time, she walks around picking up the other children's loveys and puts them where they belong and then helps fold up their nap mats.  If Doug puts his jacket down somewhere other than where it belongs, she follows him around until he puts it in the right spot.  The other morning she was dete

Visiting Scrooge, I mean Santa

So, we decided to venture to the mall to visit ol' Santa tonight.  It was sort of a last minute decision, so . . . unfortunately I forgot the stroller.  Imagine how this trip to the mall on a Friday night- dangerously close to bed time was going to go.  Surprisingly, it went pretty doggone well.  It turns out 27 pounds of wiggling toddler body gets heavy and FAST!  So upon entering the Jessica Simpson display at Dillards, I released Lu-Lu from the confines of my arms . . . She raced through Dillards thrilled with her freedom!  She was squealing and running into display cases in the perfume department, smacking mannequins, and touching sweaters (she had a clear preference for the sequins variety).  The ladies who worked in the cosmetics department were clearly not all that impressed with a toddler off a leash or out of a stroller.  They are losers, because a curly headed toddler with chubby thighs and exuberance is cute.  I don't care who you are.  (I might be prejudice thou

Double Standards

I have a confession: I make fun of Doug for wearing the same 5 plaid, button down shirts and 5 khaki pants everyday.  I do.  It's not nice, but . . . it's so easy!  It's not because he doesn't have a LOT of options- he DOES!  One time to prove that he has more clothes than me- I counted all his clothes and mine.  Not only did I count them- but I classified them too.  I wanted him to know- how many more pairs of jeans he had than me.  How many more pairs of shirts, pants, and sweat shirts he had than me.  It got a little tricky in the skirts (I obviously had more of those than he did) and suits (he beat me on that one too) ; -)  The thing is- he had WAY more clothes than me!!!! Way more!  So why does he insist on wearing the same 5 articles of clothing- week after week after week?!  I've tried to thwart him.  I hid his 5 shirts one week- he insisted on finding them. I sometimes don't iron- he'll get the ironing board out and iron that morning.  Nothing I do m

The Many Faces of Lu-Lu

The boys are outside blowing leaves, well Andrew just came in and decided he needed hot chocolate.  I agree.  It's 35 degrees!!!  So Lu Lu and I are inside playing with Weebles and making tu-tu's.  Suddenly her little face just looked so beautiful, I knew I needed to capture it forever.  Quiet, peaceful, calm . . . Isn't she angelic? Ahhh, this is unfortunately one of the many faces of Lu-Lu. But as quickly as it starts, it's over. This really does make it all better.

Christmas Tradition

One of mine and Andrew's favorite Christmas traditions is to go for walks around our neighborhood to look at Christmas lights.  The first year we started it, we only did it once.  Doug and I bundled him and strapped him in the stroller and walked around looking at lights.  The second year we did it more.   I'd bundle him up and we'd walk through the neighborhood.  He'd hold my hand.  It was one of my most favorite Christmas activities.  I knew when it was happening that I'd remember the feel of his little hand in mine as we walked along and he talked and talked and talked to me- forever.  I knew to appreciate those walks.  The third year we didn't hold hands- he carried a flashlight.  But I still loved the walks.  They were something just he and I did without Alexa around.  It was something special for just he and I. This year, the first walk I was going to go on with him- he didn't want to go because he didn't have night vision goggles. ??????  So I

Elf on the Shelf

This is our third year with the Elf on the Shelf.  Andrew is afraid of the Elf.  Every year I assume that he won't be this year- he's older.  He's not psychotically afraid of it, I don't believe the Elf is going to be the cause of future therapy sessions.  But it creeps him out, for sure.  I think it's the idea that the Elf is there to watch him.  With those weird shifty eyes and cheeky smile.  I can see it; I understand where he's coming from.  So the Elf stays in the living room, kitchen, or bathroom.  No where near Andrew's room.  Who wants to think they're being watched while they sleep?  That can be unsettling. The Elf showed back up yesterday.  I decided this year (thanks to the influences of Pinterest) that our Elf was going to be a little mischievous this year.  In years past, the Elf has been very well behaved, coquettishly sitting in well behaved areas.  This year . . . he's gone rogue.  The first place he hid was in the bathroom on a tow