
Showing posts from October, 2019

Crafty Parenting

Today in my senior English class, the guidance counselors came in and we helped all of the kids fill out their Common College Application.  I remember these kids when they were freshman.  Back then they were goofy and silly.  Today, they're a little more mature, and way more fun.  Wasn't it just, like . . . last year they were freshman?!  If it goes this fast for me- with students . . . what will it be like for my own kid?  My own freshman that my email inbox is inundated with- just this weekend: information from CollegeBoard on taking the PSAT and SAT.  I also got an email from a local college offering information on baseball Showcase Camps, and a flyer on the recruiting process for college athletes. How is this little kid that's a whole head taller than me, and stands in my kitchen and pretends to pitch in the World Series on the regular- getting email about his post secondary life?! I've been missing this kid lately.  I mean- yes, he goes to the school I teach at,

She's Getting So Brave

Sometimes parents like to brag on their kids like: All A's!!  Or Terrific Kid!!  Or Raised Money for Charity!!! Not me. I like to keep it real.  I'm bragging about Alexa tonight, but it's not about your typical bragging things.  She's growing up and getting so brave. The other night we were were sitting on the couch watching Sister Act  and suddenly she says, "Ugh.  There's a moth flying around."  Sure enough.  There WAS a moth.  She calmly got up, got a tissue, and captured it, and threw it away.  I was stunned.  Two years ago- around this time she completely freaked over the teeniest bug in the world, in the shower with her.  Tonight, she didn't even blink her eye.  I would have reacted more than she did!  (Although- that's not saying a whole lot, as critters of any variety tend to make me excitable). Tonight we had yet another completely calm reaction.  She had gone into the bathroom to take a shower, and suddenly she calls me in to the b

Baaaddd Jokes

I have the cutest group of Freshman this year.  I love them almost more than my Freshman group from 2 years ago.  And that group was my favorite group- since the year before them!!!  Do you see a pattern?  One of my favorite things to do with high school students, is to tell really dumb jokes and laugh and laugh at their reaction.  I mean- they want to laugh a little bit; but at the same time, it's just so dang bad they're really in horror over how I can make such bad jokes.  Today was the best worst joke ever.  We are reading The Odyssey .  And the main character has just met a cyclops, defeated him, insulted him, and stolen a few sheep to top it all off.  As we're reading the story, and I'm re-capping what all has happened, I said, "He made a baaaddd choice stealing those sheep!"  There was silence.  And then . . . "Latta! That was the WORST joke!"  I paused, and said, "You mean . . . a . . . baaaadd joke?"  One kid said, &quo

Cutie Punkins

On Sunday, Alexa and I were in the mood to do some crafting.  It had been awhile since we'd done anything, and I think we both needed to do some artistic out-letting.  I had no plans or real intentions when I went into the craft closet, but I remembered I had seen a lady do some cute fabric coasters, on Pinterest, and I looked through my fabric and discovered I had some leftover painter's cloth.  I love that fabric because it's easy to work with, and can easily be embellished. So here's what I saw on Pinterest. Here's my version: Aren't they just the cutest little punkin coasters?!!!