Crafty Parenting

Today in my senior English class, the guidance counselors came in and we helped all of the kids fill out their Common College Application.  I remember these kids when they were freshman.  Back then they were goofy and silly.  Today, they're a little more mature, and way more fun.  Wasn't it just, like . . . last year they were freshman?!  If it goes this fast for me- with students . . . what will it be like for my own kid?  My own freshman that my email inbox is inundated with- just this weekend: information from CollegeBoard on taking the PSAT and SAT.  I also got an email from a local college offering information on baseball Showcase Camps, and a flyer on the recruiting process for college athletes. How is this little kid that's a whole head taller than me, and stands in my kitchen and pretends to pitch in the World Series on the regular- getting email about his post secondary life?!

I've been missing this kid lately.  I mean- yes, he goes to the school I teach at, but I don't actually see him there.  Sometimes I catch a glimpse of him walking down the hall- away from me.  He is trying to establish himself- as a separate entity of me.  I get that.  That's why my feelings are not hurt that he doesn't come around much.   He has baseball practice, clubs, youth group, or going to watch school sporting events, or hanging out with friends, or his phone to entertain him.  He doesn't want to hang with his mom.  Again- my feelings aren't hurt.  I miss him, but I'm not sad. 

However, just because I get it. . . that doesn't mean I'm going to let him not hang out with me all of the time.  He's been really wanting a social media app for over a month, and I've been ignoring him, but . . . . I finally decided, "I'll let him get it, but he has to earn it."  After speaking with the masters of crafty parenting (my parents), I came up with this idea: in order to get the app, he has to spend 10 quality hours with me.  Just me.  He can't be on his phone.  He can't be whiny. 

Tonight, while we were spending time (making cookies) he said, "You know mom, I wasn't sure what direction you were going to go in, when you told me I had to earn this app, but this is pretty clever of you."  Haha!!!  It is pretty clever and on the first night . . . I'm totally digging it.  I don't know if I'll be saying the same thing on Friday night, when we're spending "quality time together" shopping for dress clothes for the Homecoming Dance (or as the cool kids say, HOCO), but . . . . one can only hope. 



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