
Showing posts from December, 2012

Calm to Crazy in 1 Second

A few weeks ago we got a dog.  She's lovely.  She has such a calm personality.  She's loving and sweet and exactly what I wanted.  When I was talking to the previous owner, she described Gracie (the new dog) as totally calm.  She wasn't lying!  Nothing really seems to phase Gracie.  Unless you knock on the window.  So we'd had Gracie for just a few days, on this particular evening.  Doug was late coming home.  Andrew, Alexa, and I were already sitting down to eat dinner. Gracie was laying near Andrew's chair.  It was a lovely dinner, very calm.  No one was fighting, or complaining that they didn't like dinner- yet.  That calm was not going to last long.  Suddenly there's a knock on the window right near where we sit and eat.  Gracie did exactly what you want your dog to do, when there is an unexpected knock, when it's dark and you're a woman alone in the house.  She used, what to this day, is her most intimidating bark.  Andrew started screaming


Christmas is one of the most stressful times of year.  I mean, you've got a ton to do, while still having to do all the usual stuff.  For me the most stressful part of the season is coming up with the perfect gift for each and every person.  I rarely do it.  This year I came up with the perfect gift, for one of Alexa's teachers.  Not that she's not a deserving girl, but really Kate?!  You couldn't have come up with the perfect gift for your husband, children, or family?!  It had to be a teacher that in a few years you won't hardly see? Doug came up with the perfect gift for me.  I will confess now, I knew something was up.  Bless my son and his big mouth, he told me weeks ago, that Daddy traced their hands before they went to school one morning.  I bit my lip.  Pretended I hadn't heard.  Ooooh, I wanted to ask what it was for.  What they were planning, but I didn't.  I know the element of surprise is just as much fun for Doug, as it is for me.  So I wonder

She's a mischevious one

That Alexa is a stinker!  So here we sit, enjoying the spaghetti and salad that I spent 15 minutes cooking tonight.  When Doug gets up to get seconds, Alexa immediately jumps into his seat.  Then sits there and grins at him.  Doug asks her to move- but she won't.  Oh, she's so mischevious.  She knows she's aggravating her Daddy beyond what he may be capable of dealing with. And she just smiles at him, dimples flashing, eyes gleaming. I convince Doug to sit in her chair. He offers to pull the chair Alexa's sitting in- closer to the table, she refuses, "No Daddy!"  In fact, she's so adament in her refussal, she jumps up and pushes the chair across the kitchen.  Then, turns around and demands her chair (the one Doug is currently sitting in) back!  So, Doug makes her bring his chair back to the table, and they switch seats again.  Watching Doug and Alexa tangle, can be pretty stinking entertaining. 

He ain't cute, no more

Dear friends with sons under 4 years old, You might sit around thinking to yourself, "I'll never think this sweet, darling boy is anything but cute and wonderful."  And that's true, until they're 6.  When boys are 6, they start the slow, agonizing change towards become a male.  As it turns out, even though they're our sons and we love them sooooo much, they're still male, and therefore they can still be infuriating.  For my house, 7 has been the year when I look at Andrew and I am completely mystified by him.  Where did my sweet, beautiful boy go?  There are glimpses of him.  It was a friends birthday the other day,  and Andrew told me he gave his friend 8 birthday hugs.  I thought how sweet and cute that was.  Then I thought, next year those hugs will be arm punches.  Yesterday it became painfully clear to me- Andrew is a male, no longer a sweet, boy.  I don't get hugs nearly as much as I get bottom smacks, arm wacks, and instead of giving me ki