
Showing posts from February, 2017

A Busy, Simple Dinner

Dinner time is always an entertaining time in my house.  Sometimes the entertainment is fun and enjoyable.  Sometimes it's an exercise in patience.  Sometimes you just have to shake your head. Cause, I mean- really?!  Alexa and I walked in the house around 5:15 tonight and I was starved.  I didn't eat lunch today and I was reaching a dangerous point.  Doug offered to go buy something, but I didn't have time for that. Dinner had to happen, and it needed to happen right. this. minute!!!!!!!!!!!!  Since today is Shroud Tuesday, and National Pancake Day (thanks Timehop on Facebook for reminding me) I decided to make a super fast breakfast for dinner: pancakes, scrambled eggs, and bacon.  Alexa gets her plate first.  I always give her her plate first, so she can get settled and hopefully by the time the rest of us sit down, she'll be there.  Sometimes that backfires and she's still flitting around somewhere. Tonight she was sitting and waiting for us.     She cont

Be Patient Moms, It'll Happen

The other day Andrew and I went to the grocery store.  I just needed a few things.  I got my items, and an epiphany. When it came time to carry the bag to the car . . . he insisted on carrying it.  I walked out of the grocery store with nothing but my car keys.  I wasn't pushing a cart with a screaming kid. I wasn't trying to keep track of children's items, or thinking I needed to change a diaper before we drove 3 miles home because the disaster was near.  I didn't have toys or Lovey's spilling out of my bag.  I had a debit card in my pocket, and keys in my hand. He carried the groceries.  He got our courtesy sugar cookie from the container.  I just stood there. He didn't ask to get items.  He didn't pout when I wouldn't buy . . . whatever tempting things came into view.  He had an honest to God conversation with me as we walked through the store.  I didn't have to physically steer him around customers.  I didn't have to deal with him tryin

I Don't Do That . . . Or That . . . Or That Either

On Friday, I was talking with a co-worker about my exciting weekend plans and how I was determined to have all the laundry folded when I went to bed that evening.  (Let's just ignore how lame my Friday night plans are- that's not the point of this post). We began a conversation about how much we HATE laundry.  As we were talking, it turns out: she's a far nice mother/wife than I am.   We were commiserating about the aggravations of laundry, but I kept saying, "Oh . . I don't do that." For example:  1. putting socks together for the boys.  I don't do that. 2. When folding laundry- turning shirts/pants/socks/underwear if they're wrong side out- I don't turn them right side in.  Not my thing. (You get them back- the way you turned them in.  Just cleaner- possibly.  If your socks are thrown in all balled up- they're probably not that much cleaner.)   3. Ironing clothes . . . Nope.  Not that either 4. Once I got the clothes, put them in t