I Don't Do That . . . Or That . . . Or That Either
On Friday, I was talking with a co-worker about my exciting weekend plans and how I was determined to have all the laundry folded when I went to bed that evening. (Let's just ignore how lame my Friday night plans are- that's not the point of this post). We began a conversation about how much we HATE laundry. As we were talking, it turns out: she's a far nice mother/wife than I am.
We were commiserating about the aggravations of laundry, but I kept saying, "Oh . . I don't do that." For example:
1. putting socks together for the boys. I don't do that.
2. When folding laundry- turning shirts/pants/socks/underwear if they're wrong side out- I don't turn them right side in. Not my thing. (You get them back- the way you turned them in. Just cleaner- possibly. If your socks are thrown in all balled up- they're probably not that much cleaner.)
3. Ironing clothes . . . Nope. Not that either
4. Once I got the clothes, put them in the laundry, switched them to the drier, folded them . . . I deliver them to the appropriate rooms, but I don't put them away. I don't do that either.
5. Check pockets for pens, money, pocket knives, etc . . Check 'em yourselves. Not my deal.
6. Take your belt out of the loops, or your cup out of your sliding shorts?. . . uh-uhh, not that one either.
Pretty soon, I got to thinking, jeez- I'm a laundry diva. But the real question is . . . why does it work for kids to do a crappy job- that I take over and do it, and yet . . . no one's fired me from laundry?!
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