
Showing posts from July, 2013

I'm Gonna Be a Glass Half Full . . . I hope.

I decided today I'm going to change my tune.  I'm going to try really hard to be "the glass is half full" with Alexa.  We had a bit of a rough, late afternoon.  And while I was sitting on the couch, trying really hard not to lose my temper while I ignored her antics, I got to thinking, "I never say or think anything positive about Alexa."  For real.  How many negative Facebook posts have I made?  Today, every encounter I had with an outside person commenting on something positive about her, I came back with a negative experience.  The other day someone asked me, on a scale of 1- 100, how hard was Alexa, I said, "99."  There was no hesitation.  Andrew and Alexa were both present for that discussion.  The more I talk about her negative qualities, the more she will live up to them.  I'm going to practice reverse psychology- on her and myself.   It's time.  I mean, I started a positive behavior system with her that works- some, I need to change

Mexicali Blues

Last summer my crew and I were at the beach with some good friends, when the adults all agreed, "You know, this whole vacation would be a lot more fun without kids!"  Then we said, "Hey, it'd be even more fun if we went somewhere super cool!"  So we planned an all inclusive vacation at an adults only resort, with a swim up bar. When I told people Doug and I were going to Mexico they were always surprised.  We don't vacation much and I'm not much for leaving my kids.  Quite frankly, I'm surprised I did this too. Before we went, I had a million concerns: some sort of national crisis that would shut down airports and I wouldn't be able to get back to my children, I'd get sick (not Bubonic Plague sick, Strep throat sick) and there wouldn't be an on site doctor and I'd have to feel awful the entire time, I'd forget something important, my parents would get sick, my children would get sick, I'd be terribly homesick for them, etc.

State Champs!

I have to take a bit to brag about Andrew today.  It’s my blog and I’m allowed to brag about my kid.  Plus, I want this to be part of his memories.  One day when he’s old and he wants to swap “war” stories about awesome things he’s done- this one is going down in the books.  I’ve talked about how Andrew’s playing baseball this summer.  He was lucky enough to be chosen to play for our rec league’s 7u All Star team.   He loves this part of baseball.  He loves palling around with the boys.  He loves playing the games.  He loves practice.  He doesn’t hate the practices where they run bases almost the whole time.  He doesn’t hate the tournaments when they play 3 games back to back.  He just loves baseball and being part of a team.    Tonight his team won the Western North Carolina State Tournament for his age division.  Talk about a proud parent moment.  I mean, to be part of a state winning team?!  Not everyone can claim that.  I certainly can’t.  Not only was he part of t

So Lucky!

Obviously I'm lucky for my parents in lots of ways, but especially today! This weekend is Andrew's All- Star State Tournament.  We did this last year, in the thriving metropolis of Marion, North Carolina.  You've never heard of it?  Don't worry, the only thing you're missing is a good bbq restaurant and an ice cream place. This tournament is not for the weak.  Last year, Andrew's team played in 106 degree heat. Surprisingly it wasn't that bad.  The parents all worked hard to keep the boys hydrated with lots of water, Gatorade, and wet rags we kept in a cooler.  Alexa lived off Jell-O, water, and yogurt.  It was like Heaven for her.  Not only was the heat oppressive, but . . . you're there for the long haul.  You're watching/playing 2 games back to back.  It's no easy feat to watch/play 2 games back to back like that.  Plus, the pressure of . . . if you lose two times, you're out.. Especially if you've never done it before.  Now that A

My First Grade Crush

Recently the New Kids on the Block, 98 Degrees, Boy Band summer concert came to Charlotte.  My sister and I were texting about it.  We agreed that, while neither of us were that into those bands, we felt like we were missing out on something fun.   It's hard to believe that I wasn't that in to those bands, my family won't believe it.  They've always made fun of my horrible music taste.  Ok, some of my choices aren't that great (Britney Spears for example), but mostly I just have weird taste.  I will jam out to Black Sabbath and then the next song I'm singing along to the Indigo Girls.   When I was in first grade, I was in love with . . . Neil Diamond.   This Neil Diamond.  The one with the sparkly shirt and satin scarf.  I wanted his record for Christmas.  I probably listened to it a thousand times.  "Cracklin' Rose" and "Song Sung Blue" are 2 of my favorite songs- still, to this day.  Back then I loved "America" too.