So Lucky!

Obviously I'm lucky for my parents in lots of ways, but especially today!

This weekend is Andrew's All- Star State Tournament.  We did this last year, in the thriving metropolis of Marion, North Carolina.  You've never heard of it?  Don't worry, the only thing you're missing is a good bbq restaurant and an ice cream place.

This tournament is not for the weak.  Last year, Andrew's team played in 106 degree heat. Surprisingly it wasn't that bad.  The parents all worked hard to keep the boys hydrated with lots of water, Gatorade, and wet rags we kept in a cooler.  Alexa lived off Jell-O, water, and yogurt.  It was like Heaven for her.  Not only was the heat oppressive, but . . . you're there for the long haul.  You're watching/playing 2 games back to back.  It's no easy feat to watch/play 2 games back to back like that.  Plus, the pressure of . . . if you lose two times, you're out.. Especially if you've never done it before.  Now that Andrew is a big 8 year old, and we're in our second year of tournament play, we got this. I know how to provide the entertainment to Alexa, how to pack the snacks for all of us, what supplies we need (tents, chairs, roller coolers, etc).

This year the tournament is even more intense.  We have possibly more games to play this year (or less, depending on how much we win).  It also could last longer.  It could last longer because of the weather.  It's like living in Seattle here lately!!!  We're projected to have 2-4 more inches by tomorrow!!!!

Today as we were prepared to leave, Alexa announced, "I want to stay at Grammy's!"  I won't lie- I had secretly hoped my mother would let Alexa hang out with them for at least one day, but I didn't want to ask. It's one thing for my mom to volunteer, and a whole other for me to ask.  However, it's a whole other thing for Alexa to ask. How could she deny her granddaughter?!  She can't.   It never occurred to me that Alexa would ask to stay with my parents.  She loves her grandparents, but she's a Momma's Girl.  Bad (or good, depending on how you look at it).  So when she asked, I was stunned.  I didn't really think it would happen- I figured as soon as we made to leave, Alexa would decide she had to come with us.  She didn't even care when we left!!!!!!!!!!

I was so joyous!  I've never been to one of Andrew's games without Alexa.  It was a thrill to be able to just sit and watch and gossip with the other mom's. Plus, there was NO guilt as I didn't leave my mother with a screaming, temperamental Alexa, and I didn't abandon Alexa.  It was the best of all worlds. Plus, I didn't have to go to the bathroom at a key moment.  I didn't have to reach under the bleachers and get what she dropped 40 times.  And the big one is- I didn't have to figure out how to keep her happy in an overcrowded, sopping, wet environment.  It rained when we got there, then it was sunny, then it sprinkled, then it was sunny, then the Heavens opened and it POURED.  My feet were wet. We played one game and were there for almost 5 hours, due to weather delays throwing off all the schedules.

This is what it looked like.
Do you see the water to the right of the bleachers?  It was gushing off the field on the left.
The field was just a tidge wet.
So thankfully Alexa wanted to stay with my parents and we both "won."  So did Andrew- for the record.  ;-)


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