
Showing posts from November, 2014

There. I said it!

I hate Christmas decorating.  There.  I said it.  Actually . . . truth be told.  I don't really like Christmas all that much.  There are parts I love.  Christmas Eve.  I like when we're sitting around all together eating our weird dinner, watching a movie together.  I like right after the kids go to bed and there is such a feeling of excitement for the next morning.  I like Christmas morning and the joy on my children's faces (especially this year- it's gonna be good!).  I like being with our families. I like 2 weeks of school off.  Yep- I added that.  I like Christmas movies and music.  I like how my house feels so cozy.  I can't wait to sing Christmas hymns or take cold walks looking at Christmas lights. I don't like the pressure. The pressure to have the best Christmas card, mailed out with our perfectly photographed and coiffed children.  I don't like the pressure of finding the perfect Christmas present. I don't like spending money, nor do I like

Disney- Who Knew?!

Way back 8 months ago, we finalized plans to go to Disney World.  Like the genius I am, I planned for us to take our first trip, with experienced Disney friends.  I am self-aware enough to know: planning ain’t my thang- chicken wang.  Sooooo, I asked our favorite travel friends, who are experienced Disney folks, if we could tag along the next time they went.  Thankfully they said we could (besides the fact it really helped us navigate our trip, we just had a really fantastic time). My friend did a great job staying on top of me to make reservations, buy our tickets, and research rides and shows we wanted to do, so she would be able to FastPass stuff we all wanted to do.  I would NEVER have done all of that on my own.  It’s SOOOOOO overwhelming.  Before we left for Disney, we were certain that this trip was the only one we were doing.  Doug called it our Two-Fer trip: we’re one and done .  (hahahaha that Doug.  He’s so funny.)  Since we’re only doing it once, we felt like we h