
Showing posts from June, 2014

Summer Plan

I am 2 weeks into my summer and have done jack with it.  In my defense, I was so crazed at the end of the school year, I never had time to get my brain wrapped around the fact that it was almost summer.  Then suddenly it was summer and . . . I was obsessed with The Walking Dead and I couldn't think of anything until I watched all that I could.  Then the boys left for camp and Alexa and I went to Charleston and now . . . I'm home, sitting on the couch, tv stinks and I think I might get my summer plans together. What do I want to do with these days?  How do I want to use my time?  What's the one thing I want to do more than anything else? 1. Chillax.  But not in a "sit in front of the tv and do nothing productive" sort of way.  Instead of hauling my kids somewhere everyday to provide them valuable, educational, social experiences, I want to stay home some. Figure out how to entertain ourselves here- not in front of the tv, and not being mean to each other, or dri

According to Andrew . . .

Andrew and I were chatting the other day and he asked me if he was born late or on time.  I snorted and said, "You were a week late, and then I sat in the hospital for 2 days waiting for you.  After the first day I cried, because "You were going to be just like your Dad, and I would have to wait on you for the rest of my llliiifffeeeeee!!!!!"  He said, "You don't have to wait on me . . . all the time."  Thankfully he added that final thought.  Because I do have to wait on him a LOT! He was quiet for awhile and then he said, "Dad and I are alike in a lot of ways.  I bet I could think of a ton!" Since it's almost Father's Day, I thought this would be a good post to share.  Here's what he had to say: 1. We both have a lot of bruises. 2. We both like to build stuff. 3. We both wear glasses. 4. We are both tan. 5. We both like pants (hahaha, that was a funny typo, I made, and it cracked me up, so I left it.  Obviously they both like

Brace Yourself . . .

Brace yourself for the cuteness that is about to follow.  You can't prepare.  Don't bother. There.  Isn't that like . . . the cutest thing in the whole world?????  I mean- ok, I am partial because she's mine, but I don't just mean it because she's mine.  Pretty much any little girl in a dance recital costume is cute as, I don't even know what.   I am going to brag on Alexa.  I can, because this is my blog.  Man, has this girl turned it around.  Last summer was awful.  Like, stab my eyeballs out, awful.  I don't know if it's because she was 2, turning 3.  I don't know if it's because I pulled her out of daycare, and she didn't do well being completely out of routine. I don't know.  I do know this, I was a mother on the brink.  I had used up every single special education trick I had in my arsenal.  I was done, dried up, and exhausted. The fits, the power struggles, the emotions. It was too much.  Her return to school, earned