
Showing posts from November, 2015


When Alexa was first born . . . she was quite the disruption to Andrew's pretty sweet life.  For the previous 5 years, he had been the sole focus of most of my attention.  Then suddenly, a loud, temperamental baby came storming into his home, and nothing was ever the same after that. For the first 3 years of Alexa's life, Andrew was mostly disinterested in her and her presence.  He never did anything super mean, but he never really did much good either.  He simply tolerated her existence, but possibly hoped she'd leave for some reason. Sometime around 3.5 years old, Alexa stopped crying so much.  She stopped being quite as temperamental.  She was developmentally at a stage where she desired interaction with another human, when she played, as opposed to the side by side playing she'd been doing.  However, Andrew hadn't quite let go of the resentment that she was not always the funnest playmate, so he didn't play too much with her, plus she was deep in the pri