
Showing posts from April, 2012

My No Chocolate Challenge

I have a friend that does these personal fitness challenges, like she'll run at least a mile everyday from Thanksgiving through New Year's Eve.  I admire her so much, not only for her ability to acheive her goal, but because she has the determination to do it.  Her most recent fitness challenge really motivated me to challenge myself.  I considered a fitness challenge, but with my family's schedule, I didn't think I would be able to commit to such a thing without making some serious changes in our routine.  So I thought of something else to challenge myself with.  I really want the feeling of knowing I accomplished a goal, and that I challenged myself to get it. It recently occurred to me that perhaps I am eating more chocolate than perhaps the normal person eats.  I won't embarrass myself by confessing to how much I was eating, I realize now, that it was perhaps shocking how much I was eating.  Chocolate is what my goal was.  The rule is: No Chocolate for 30 da

A Champion For All

I just love LuLu.  She drives me to the point of psychosis sometimes, but other times she's so doggone funny, cute, charming, loving, and passionate! I picked her up today and asked her teachers about her day and if she threw a fit (yes- in gym.  She got upset because one of the teachers walked towards her and she promptly threw herself on the floor and wailed and kicked at anyone within a 2 foot radius and scooched on her back all over the floor.  Mrs. Betty said, "I wasn't even going over there to say anything to her!"and then laughed about what a nut she is.  I thank God everyday those women have a sense of humor.).  Then I asked if they had noticed that she's getting better about sharing, because I have noticed at t-ball she is getting really good about sharing with one of the other little sisters (LuLu let the other little girl sit in her wagon and play with her stickers!!!!!!) and even with her brother!!!! Mrs. Gertrude said, "Oh yes!  She's a g

Insomniac Worries

I am a woman, therefore I feel some sort of psychological need to worry about . . . everything. Things I have no way of controlling.   Things that are so far into the future or so not issues there’s really no reason to worry.   And yet, lately the worrying must be worse than usual because I find myself waking up around 2-3 am and staying awake for an hour or more, or falling into a restless sleep until the alarm goes off, that is anything but restless.   I don't usually suffer from insomnia.   I honestly didn’t understand people who do suffer from insomnia.   What’s the big deal, you just practice a few calming techniques and out you go.   Or . . . so I thought.   I worry about: 1. Why does Alexa eat so many carbs?   And why is she only eating about 5 varieties of food right now?   She used to eat anything and everything.   Now she’s down to cheese, yogurt, applesauce, beans, and crackers.   It’s really not such a bad combination, except that I have friends whose children eat such

T-Ball Spring 2012

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!!!!  T-ball is back!!!! Opening Day is Saturday, but we had a scrimmage today and of course I had my camera because you just never know when Doug- I mean, Andrew is going to do something photo worthy.   

Stroke of Genius!

My mother has received many a phone call in my adult life that goes something like this: Her: Hello? Me: I am a STINKING GENIUS!!!!! Her: pause, as she registers who is calling her, what I am saying, and I am pretty sure there might be an eye roll as to what "genius" plan I have come up with now.  Well folks, this one is so genius, I am taking it to the blog world.  I AM A STINKING GENIUS!!!!! This past weekend I suffered insomnia.  It is not something I hardly ever suffer from.  If I had to suffer from it, at least I am on Spring Break.  But while I laid awake for 3.5 hours on Sunday night/Monday morning I got a great idea for a snack bucket!  Huh?  I was laying there thinking about Pinterest ideas and I remembered that I saw something about people putting an Easter egg with a treat inside packed lunches and I thought, that would be cool if I was organized enough to put different snacks in eggs for Lulu.  And then . . . well the idea took off.  I started thinkin