Insomniac Worries

I am a woman, therefore I feel some sort of psychological need to worry about . . . everything. Things I have no way of controlling.  Things that are so far into the future or so not issues there’s really no reason to worry.  And yet, lately the worrying must be worse than usual because I find myself waking up around 2-3 am and staying awake for an hour or more, or falling into a restless sleep until the alarm goes off, that is anything but restless.  I don't usually suffer from insomnia.  I honestly didn’t understand people who do suffer from insomnia.  What’s the big deal, you just practice a few calming techniques and out you go.  Or . . . so I thought. 
I worry about:
1. Why does Alexa eat so many carbs?  And why is she only eating about 5 varieties of food right now?  She used to eat anything and everything.  Now she’s down to cheese, yogurt, applesauce, beans, and crackers.  It’s really not such a bad combination, except that I have friends whose children eat such varieties of foods that I feel . . . I am somehow failing her.  I am inadequate in helping her to have a varied diet. 
2. Will my children be teenaged pregnancy statistics?  How will I react to such a thing?!  Will I be the calm, rational person I really really want to be?  Or will I be a raging psycho?  Will I help, enable, or abandon them? 
3. I have so many ideas for the summer, but . . . will I be organized and motivated enough to do all my fun ideas?  Wait a minute, if I do all of my ideas, will I make it so that Andrew is unable to entertain himself and I turn him into a dependent child that has no creativity?  Are these ideas going to appeal to him?  How much tv is a compromise with him?  Left to his own devices he’d watch it ALL day long.  Left up to me, he’d get none. 
4.  Speaking of tv, have I let Andrew watch too much tv the past 3 days while he’s been home with a stomach bug? 
5.  Why does Alexa throw herself to the ground at least 10 times in a 3 hour time period?  Is she more dramatic than the typical 1.5 year old?  Am I enabling her by walking over to her, holding out my hands and saying, “No m’am, we are not going to do this.  Stand up.  You’re ok.”  Except if I let her escalate then she becomes self -destructive and hits her head on the floor or concrete until it bleeds.  Can I afford a child psychologist to come secretly observe us and let me know what I need to do, because I am somehow failing her again.
6.  Am I a good enough wife, because Doug hasn’t even entered the list of worries.
7.  Shoot, did I remember to fill out that paperwork for school? I think I forgot to get permission for our field trip next week.  I need to talk to that teacher and see if they can help me with that project.
8.  Oh, we still haven’t watched that Netflix movie, we’ve got to hurry up and get that back so we can get another movie that we don’t watch.
9.  I forgot to call my sister . . . again.
10.  Man I really want to do a photo collage with these cool silver frames over the fireplace, PInterest had a good guide for how to do that.  Maybe this summer . . .
11.  I really need to clean Alexa’s bath toys.  I sure wish I would remember that tomorrow. 
12.  Why does it feel like my kitchen cabinets need to be wiped down once a week? 
13.  I wonder if I can talk Doug into seeing the need for me to paint a room this summer.  It doesn’t matter which one- I just want to paint something. 
Why are these things that keep me up at night? 


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