
Showing posts from July, 2021

Possibly I Am High-Maintenance

 At Christmas, I received an unexpected gift card from Alexa's Girl Scout Troop that am the current leader of (uh-oh, I think I just ended that sentence with a preposition.  Oh well.  I write like I speak- and I apparently don't speak with accurate grammar).  First, I was so thrilled that they thought to do something so kind.  I definitely don't feel like I deserved their generosity.  Second, I was thrilled because I had plans to buy a really good quality pillow.  Whew- y'all do I know how to live it up?!!!!  I was willing to spend at least $50.  I wanted a GOOD pillow.  I did a bunch of Amazon searching and reading reviews, and internet searching. I wanted a cooling pillow- because my head sweats a lot (TMI?!). I wanted a firm pillow, and I was pretty interested in memory foam.  I was thinking that if I had memory foam- it wouldn't lose it's shape quickly.   Initially I really liked the pillow, but then I didn't love it.  It was too firm and full and flat. 

Birthday Meals

 Doug and Alexa have birthdays coming up.  They are within days of each other.  It always makes it a little tricky, because food is my love language.  That's how I feel loved, and how I make sure my family feels loved.  Food is, unfortunately, NOT their love language.   If it's Andrew's birthday- he expects to be taken out to breakfast and dinner.  If it's my birthday, I want to go to my mom's house so she can cook me my favorite meal.  If it's Alexa's birthday, you ask, "Alexa, what would you like for your birthday meal?!"  Last year she chose pancakes.  This year she has chosen hot dogs.  There are not words to describe how my soul is crushed.  How can you make hot dogs with ketchup amazing and special?!  You cannot.  Don't try.  She actually doesn't want special and amazing.  She wants a hot dog, on a bun, with some ketchup.  She will most likely not finish the hot dog.  She doesn't want it grilled, she doesn't want the bun toast

Patting Myself On the Back

 While there are some things that I'm like, "Eh- whatever." (Alexa's tendency towards eating like 5 foods) there are other things that I'm super controlling over and will shove one of my family members violently out of the way if they even try to do anything with whatever I'm being controlling over.  One thing I'm super passionate about is, bagging my groceries.  Hah.  Y'all probably thought I was gonna say something really meaningful.  I mean- if my example of things I don't fight over- is Alexa's limited food choices (which is kind of a big deal) then surely the things I would be passionate about- would be something of vital importance.  I don't know what to tell you.  I'm a mixed up kind of gal.  Anyway- I am particular about the way groceries are bagged.  In fact, I never let employees bag for me.   Today, I took Alexa with me to pick up a few things at the grocery store, and then I made the ultimate sacrifice and let her scan the i

Summer 2021 Garden

 Since I am trying to use this platform as a way to maintain memories, I am posting about my yard because this year it is on point.  I love so many parts of it this year.   This is a new spot this year- and clearly is well protected since there is "fencing" around it.  In March we fenced in part of the backyard for our dogs, and I thought a great idea would be to have a raised bed back there.  I have put in some glorious herbs from my mother's garden (lemon balm, dill, and I forget the other one.  Doh!).  Then I bought some parsley (struggling), and basil (which is doing fantastic!!!).  I have a couple of small pepper plants, and a GINORMOUS cherry tomato bush that is producing copious amounts of tomatoes- which is fine. by. me.  My two favorite ways to eat them are: on toast with an over easy egg and a strong cheese like sharp cheddar or fresh parmesan.  The other way I love to eat them is in a fresh corn, avocado, tomato salad.  You know I love a variety of textures- an

We Survived The School Year

 Well- clearly I am a terrible blogger.  I haven't posted a blog since February 28. That's 3 months.  Yikes.  Is our life super exciting?  Not really- but busy.  Back in August, when we were just starting the school year, and neither of my kids had activities, I remember thinking- "When they get back to our normal week with 5 days of stuff happening, I'm going to be in for a real shock!" It happened so gradually, it wasn't actually a shock.   While the school year began in the most bizarre way possible- it ended in a very normal way.  At the beginning of the year, Doug taught upstairs, Andrew "went to school" in his room, Alexa "went to school" in the living room, and I taught from my bedroom.  I kind of liked us all being together.  I liked being able to walk through and see what Alexa was learning about.   Gradually- we all were released, until April 12- we were all in school for 5 days a week.  There was still a prom, and end of year cel

Find Myself in a Dilemma

 This is turning out to be a terrible blogging year.  There are 2 reasons for this:  1. I am in graduate school, working full time, and still parenting children and dogs.  2. I find my children are at an age that I feel slightly uncomfortable talking about them on the blog.  I am friends with many of their teachers, friends' parents, and some of their friends on social media, so if I talk about parenting struggles on the blog it feels like a violation of my kids' privacy.    If I'm not talking about parenting . . . what do I have to talk about?   Speaking of that train of thought . . . Doug and I find we're entering a new phase of parenting.  Andrew is 16 and has a pretty cool friend group. This summer it has dawned on me . . . he's not around all that much.  While it used to be something special for Alexa to be "an only child," it's fairly standard for her now.  It's a weird parenting stage transitioning from how to entertain and compromise with 2