Patting Myself On the Back

 While there are some things that I'm like, "Eh- whatever." (Alexa's tendency towards eating like 5 foods) there are other things that I'm super controlling over and will shove one of my family members violently out of the way if they even try to do anything with whatever I'm being controlling over. 

One thing I'm super passionate about is, bagging my groceries.  Hah.  Y'all probably thought I was gonna say something really meaningful.  I mean- if my example of things I don't fight over- is Alexa's limited food choices (which is kind of a big deal) then surely the things I would be passionate about- would be something of vital importance.  I don't know what to tell you.  I'm a mixed up kind of gal.  Anyway- I am particular about the way groceries are bagged.  In fact, I never let employees bag for me.  

Today, I took Alexa with me to pick up a few things at the grocery store, and then I made the ultimate sacrifice and let her scan the items and bag them in the Self Check Out line.  I stood to the side, breathing into a paper bag because it took approximately 5 billion years, and she wasn't doing it the way I wanted.  Except- she did get everything scanned and bagged.  She was proud of herself.  She figured out how to slow down as she dragged the item over the barcode reader, and she figured out how to pause between scanning items so the scale could register the item had been scanned and properly bagged.  It actually didn't take 5 billion years.  It probably took seconds longer than if I had done it.  (although, I do have it down to a total science and I can scan like I'm trying to win a contest).  

So- I am proud of myself.  Proud that I wasn't all passive aggressive about it- even though I was experiencing actual physical consequences of watching someone do something that I prefer to do my way.  Proud that I let her do something that seems super fun- even though I do like doing it.  Proud that I stood to the side and vowed that I wouldn't shove her violently to the side and swoop in all "I'VE GOT THIS." and sigh loudly.  

It's all about the small victories.  Maybe I'll let someone file the bills next.  HAH!  None of them would do that right and I would probably develop an unusual side effect from suppressing stress.  


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