Narrow Miss of Boogeyman Invasions
I may have admitted before, but I have a bit of an issue with my imagination. Just a small issue. Nothing debilitating. The problem really seems to flare up when Doug is out of town. Suddenly, there are werewolves in the vicinity, or possessed black cats . I have made more than one phone call to my parents when Doug is out of town and something scary has raised up my hackles. Wait . . . I call my parents? Yes. I call my parents. I revert to my childhood self, and I call my parents. No. They don't live nearby. They aren't going to drive an hour and a half and come save me from my imagination. Are you wondering why I don't call Doug? Well . . . he's not exactly helpful in these situations. He brushes off my irrational fears . My parents help me make fun of myself, see the humor and unlikely event of Boogeyman busting in the house. Last night ....