
Showing posts from July, 2019

That Weird Noise is Probably Not Doug Playing Mind Games With Me

Saturday night I was watching tv in bed, and suddenly I became aware of this weird noise.  It was like, "tap.  taptaptaptap.  tap tap.  tap.      tap.  taptaptaptaptaptap.  tap tap.  tap."  I kept hearing it.  I told Doug.  Doug rolled his eyes.  "Yeah.  I heard it the other night, but I didn't tell you because I knew you'd be a freak about it."  Frankly- I was unsure what annoyed me most about that comment: the fact he assumed I'd be a freak (there have been some moments in the past that I may have blown unexplained events out of proportion, but this is totally different!!!), or is it the fact that he's KNOWN ABOUT THE UNEXPLAINED NOISE AND DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!!!!  As we watched Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2  I could not stop being aware of that tapping.  Doug rolled his eyes.  "It's nothing." "Yes.  But WHAT IS IT if it's nothing?!"  He shrugged.  If he's shrugging, it's because he's playing it

I Would Drive 500 Miles . . .

One of my favorite things to do, is to make up lyrics to songs- with my own lyrics.  Generally, they're massively inappropriate, so I don't do it very often, plus my family finds my renditions annoying.  They complain endlessly when I make up my own lyrics.  Well my family is wrong, my lyrics are HILARIOUS! This week, has been one ginormous car ride with breaks in the middle.  I've been running Alexa to horse back riding camp, and errands, and Andrew to his job, and to the baseball field, and there's been several well-visits thrown in there.  I have literally put 400 miles on my car this week alone- driving within my county.  Do you remember that Proclaimers Song from the 90's, "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" ?  Well . . . here's a Kate Remake of that song: When I wake up, well I know I'm gonna be, I'm gonna be the mom who's driving a taxi cab When I go out, yeah I know we're running late and  I'm gonna have to hurry to get

How Did That Happen?!

I'm feeling a little emotional today. I took Alexa to horseback riding camp today.  This is the first time she and I have been apart this entire summer.  But that's not why I'm feeling emotional. When I got back from dropping her off, I pretty much begged Andrew to spend time with me, running errands today.  He hates running errands.  But he and I have not gotten a lot of time together this summer.  I'm not super cool, so ....   I had to really make him a deal he couldn't refuse.  Luckily I know my son's love language: food.  I told him if he'd come with me, I would take him to lunch wherever he wanted.  But that's not my I'm feeling emotional either. After our errands and lunch, I took him to work.  That's why I'm feeling emotional. I went to bed last night- and he was that small.  When I woke up this morning, Doug took him to his first day of daycare: By the time 3pm rolled around, I had this young man getting out of my car.

I'll Just Blame Doug

I got sun burnt today.  I forgot sunscreen when Alexa and I went to Andrew's baseball game, and then again when we went to the pool.  I keep sunscreen in my pool bag, so I never forget it.  However- because of Doug- I took the sunscreen out of my pool bag.  It's his fault. See- it goes like that.  In the summer time- Doug is super boring.  He does not do a good job entertaining me.  He's what we refer to as, a "Twelve Month Employee," which means he does not have the summers off, like a typical teacher.  The school system has summer hours of Monday- Thursday 7:30- 5:30.  He leaves in the morning- when it's my quiet time and there's still no talking to me.  And when he comes home, he's been around people all day and wants to have his quiet time.  While I hate that he wants his quiet time- I get it. I need quiet time when I get home from school too.  However, while I get it- it doesn't mean I like that he doesn't entertain me,  and because I