
Showing posts from September, 2019

Scared the Bejesus Out of Me

Alexa has always been a pretty good sleeper.  When she was colicky- no matter how bad the day was, she would still go to bed easily and sleep fine.  When she was a temperamental toddler, there was  comfort knowing- she may be driving me to the bring of insanity, but she'll go to bed.  She was one of those kids that would tell me she was ready to go to bed.  What a pleasant surprise that my high maintenance, temperamental girl- was a good sleeper! Andrew was the kid that I would jolt awake to find him staring at me, when he was in early elementary school.  Or there was about a 3 month period where he slept on a pallet beside the bed, when he was about 3 years old.  When he was an infant it took me 45 minutes to get him to the sweet spot where I could lay him down and he'd stay asleep in his crib.  In the last few months, Alexa has come in to see me to tell me she's had a bad dream, more than she has in the previous 3 years- maybe even 4 years.  It's not every night. 

How Does She Sleep Like This?!

The other night Alexa said, as I was saying "Good night" and tucking her in to go to sleep, that she had crumbs in her bed because she ate a graham cracker in her bed earlier.  I said, "oooh- that's a bummer.  We'll wash your sheets, until then . . . have a crummy sleep!!!"  And then I laughed all the way down the hall because my jokes are so hilarious. So I just went into take her sheets off her TWIN sized bed, but first I had to remove the following items: 10 Beanie Boos (stuffed animals). 3 stuffed animals that can also be pillows 3 fleece blankets: 1 is a unicorn snuggly fleece blanket.  The other 2 are intended to be throw blankets.  (FYI- she has a comforter as well).  Please keep in mind we live in North Carolina that is having record high temperatures and it's like living in the jungle.  Granted we have a/c, but . . . 1 body pillow 2 regular bed pillows 2 journals 1 flashlight 2 bracelets 5 books 1 finger puppet 1 eraser 1 small sil