
Showing posts from November, 2020

It Got Hung On An Alligator Tooth

 Alexa got cut on an alligator tooth today.  This is actually a true story.  Upon first examination of the wound, I wondered if I would have to take her to get stitches.  The cut is pretty long.  And there is a spot where the toe got hung on the tooth, that's a little worrisome.  I'm gonna keep a check on this today and see what I think as the day goes on.   Are you like- Kate, give it up.  Alexa did not get injured by alligator!  But she did.  For real.  That is a stuffed alligator head.  It was previously a real alligator- the living, breathing, predator kind.  Why is it at my house?  The story makes complete sense once you hear it.  My mother is involved.  Those of you who know my mom- are like, "Say no more Kate.  This makes total sense."  How did my mom obtain this alligator head?!  Somehow when my brother was in college, he came into possession of this alligator head.  When he packed up and went into the Navy, the gator went to live with my parents.  When Andrew

If I Get An Idea . . .

 Are y'all familiar with the children's story, "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" by Laura Numeroff?  If not- here's the basic premise.  The little boy, gives his mouse friend a cookie, but the mouse decides it needs some juice to go with the cookie, and the juice reminds him he likes apples, which then he has to go do . . . anyway.  By the end of the book, the boy and the mouse had many adventures all because the boy gave the mouse a cookie.  There are several similar books: "If You Give a Moose a Muffin," "If You Give a Pig a Pancake . . " anyway.   Let me preface this story by saying . . . everytime I say "need" please know- I don't actually need  any of these things and I am 100% fully aware of that, which is why I was getting so frustrated with myself.   The other day I was sitting on my couch and thought, "I should move my coffee pot."  Right now it's sitting on a make shift coffee spot, on a piece of furniture.  I

2 Months?! We Need To Catch Up

 Wow.  I am a terrible blogger.  I just went 2 months with not a word.  I didn't even tell you how the "No Processed Sugar" situation ended.  Also- I was just looking at my statistics over the last ten years, and I'm on track to have the lowest amount of blogs published in a year.  What have I been doing this year?!   1. The No Processed Sugar.  I did it.  I made it 21 days and then I went crazy and have been eating sugar like a lunatic since.  I like sugar.  I like baked goods mostly.  I love cookies and pumpkin muffins and brownies.  Do I eat candy?  Yes.  But you know what?  I don't love it.  I know.  That's some crazy talk because I do love chocolate.  Here's what I've noticed- I will eat the heck out of it, but if I really stop to think about it . . . I don't actually love it.  I like it, but frequently I find out the actual flavor of it is . . . too sweet.  I think that's why I love baked goods.  I can make them as sweet or not as sweet a