It Got Hung On An Alligator Tooth

 Alexa got cut on an alligator tooth today.  This is actually a true story. 

Upon first examination of the wound, I wondered if I would have to take her to get stitches.  The cut is pretty long.  And there is a spot where the toe got hung on the tooth, that's a little worrisome.  I'm gonna keep a check on this today and see what I think as the day goes on.  

Are you like- Kate, give it up.  Alexa did not get injured by alligator!  But she did.  For real. 

That is a stuffed alligator head.  It was previously a real alligator- the living, breathing, predator kind.  Why is it at my house?  The story makes complete sense once you hear it.  My mother is involved.  Those of you who know my mom- are like, "Say no more Kate.  This makes total sense." 

How did my mom obtain this alligator head?!  Somehow when my brother was in college, he came into possession of this alligator head.  When he packed up and went into the Navy, the gator went to live with my parents.  When Andrew (my son. Which can be confusing because my brother's name is also Andrew, but I am talking about my son here) turned 11, my mother thought it would be hilarious to give him this alligator head to scare his friends with.  

We discovered my puppy HATES the alligator head.  She is very leery of it.  So I put it on the steps to the bonus room- to deter her from going up the steps.  It worked for weeks . . . until it didn't.  

Anyway- Alexa was jetting down the steps, in the dark (why didn't she turn on the light?!) and there was a crash, a bunch of bumps, and a wail.  Since this is Alexa, I didn't react quickly crashes and wails are a common daily occurrence.  She tells me her toes are sore, but there's no blood, so she walks into the kitchen only to discover there is BLOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (Alexa hates blood and panics- although this time she didn't panic, she did cry- understandably).  We move the event to the bathroom where there's light and I can see better and it turns out . . . uhhhhh, huh.  This is actually worse that I expected.  

And then I started laughing.  

I said, "Alexa.  Girl- you've sustained an injury from an alligator!!!!  Like- a real alligator!!! This is super bizarre."  Once I got the bandaid on it- and she had calmed down, we were both able to laugh, because I'm sorry- she is legit hurt from an alligator!!!  How many people can claim that?!  (not too many more people in our house, we moved it back to Andrew's room (which smells like a swamp- so it's in the right spot) and I'm going to print out a picture for her to take to school.  Also- we checked to see if there was any blood on the teeth- because that would have been cool too!!!!  Alas- she just has the cut and a photo to show for it.  


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