I-85 Observations
We have been traveling up and down I-85 the past few days and while on the road, we have some seen some interesting folks. Like this one: I mean, really dude? The real question here is: does canoeing really make him horney or is that a reference to a movie? And, according to my computer, "horney" is misspelled. Is that on purpose, or is he driving around with this bumper sticker misspelled to be ironic, or because he doesn't have a clue? I think the sexy lady in the left corner is super cool too. I bet this guy picks up all kinds . . . of ladies cruisin' in this truck. The other truck we saw, was even more interesting and yet too frightening to actually take a picture. As the truck passed us, I happened to notice the stickers. I commented to Doug, "Yikes! What's up with that car?!" He said, "Yeah, the license plate on the front was pretty weird too, it said, "Cannibal." WHAT?????? Doug sped up to pass him, s...