What is the Most Generous Thing You've Ever Done?

Andrew was asking some hard questions tonight.  Thankfully NOT the "Where do babies come from?"  "Is Santa real?" variety!  They were more thought provoking like, "Who is the person who has been the meanest to you?" (Doug- he fluffs the covers after I'm burrowed down in them, and then lets in huge wafts of cold air and I have to get them all settled again the way I want them.  It's quite an ordeal)  "Who's been the nicest?" (Doug again.  He puts up with a lot) and then finally, "What is the most generous thing you've ever done?"  I immediately thought of this one particular time . . .  except then I answered Andrew with, "Huh. That's a hard one, because what may have been really generous to me, may not have been to the other person."  So I explained with this story.

I was in maybe 8th or 9th grade, which meant my sister was in maybe 3rd or 4th grade.  I am 100% certain my sister does not remember this story.  It probably had no impact on her at all.  Why it had an impact on me, I have NO idea.  However, it did and now years it's actually funny, and explains so much about us. Here's the story.  One morning, I was making my lunch to take to school.  When I went to get my treat, I realized there was only one Little Debbie cake left.  I magnanimously decided to forgo the delicious cake and leave the last Little Debbie for my little sister.  I distinctly remember feeling as though I had given her a kidney and not just a cake.  I made no mention of my sacrifice to her.  A bit later she did something that I felt was not properly appreciative of my self denial and I totally wigged out on her!  I made sure she knew she was not showing the right amount of gratitude.  Of course, as she did not realize I had sacrificed myself for her, she had no idea she should be appreciative.

Now, as my sister and I are older this situation is sort of ironic for her, and really explains me.  To this day, I HATE sharing treats.  I have always bought my children their own desserts because I would rather waste the money and food when they don't finish their ice cream or whatever, then share mine.  How stingy am I? So of course, I would view leaving the last Little Debbie for my sister as a very generous gesture.  For my sister this story is sort of ironic because she has been known to  . . . get a bit upset if you were to eat the last of the cookies without her, just ask my brother in law.  It's bad news.  Don't do it.  She's normally so mild mannered, until the treats are gone and then the gloves come off.

I'm not sure if I am failing my child or not, but he said, "Wow.  That was really generous of you!"  Bless him. Then he says, "I did two generous things tonight."
Me: "Really?"
Him: "Yes.  When we were in line at the salad bar, I let the man go in front of me, because I knew I'd be really slow, and I didn't want him to wait on me."
Me:  "ooooh!!!!!  I am glad I know that!"
Him: "Why?"
Me: "I didn't see you let him in front of you, I assumed he cut in front of you because you were a little kid and I thought he was a buttwipe for taking advantage of you.  It turns out I am the jerk, for assuming the worst."  "What is the 2nd generous thing you did tonight?"
Him:  "When I offered you the last piece of dessert pizza."
Me:  "You're right.  That was really generous, which is why I let you have it."  

What a good conversation for the season, it made me realize I haven't done much generous lately.


  1. That's like the Friends episode when Joey says "Joey doesn't share food" when his date tried to steal his fries. HA!


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