I-85 Observations

We have been traveling up and down I-85 the past few days and while on the road, we have some seen some interesting folks.   Like this one:
I mean, really dude?  The real question here is: does canoeing really make him horney or is that a reference to a movie?  And, according to my computer, "horney" is misspelled.  Is that on purpose, or is he driving around with this bumper sticker misspelled to be ironic, or because he doesn't have a clue?  I think the sexy lady in the left corner is super cool too.  I bet this guy picks up all kinds . . . of ladies cruisin' in this truck.

The other truck we saw, was even more interesting and yet too frightening to actually take a picture.  As the truck passed us, I happened to notice the stickers.

I commented to Doug, "Yikes! What's up with that car?!"  He said, "Yeah, the license plate on the front was pretty weird too, it said, "Cannibal."  WHAT??????  Doug sped up to pass him, so I could see the front license plate, and I tried to look in his car, without really looking, cause let's be honest, that dude has issues (and he may have sent a minion out for us).  He looked exactly like the stereotype of someone with Satan worshiping stickers on his car might look like:  long goatee, big gauges in his ears, shaved head and horns sticking out of his forehead.  Okay, just kidding, there were no gauges in his ears.  Okay, seriously just kidding.  There really was a long goatee, big gauges, and a shaved head, but I didn't see any horns.  He may have flicked his forked tongue at me, but I wasn't looking closely.  Doug's comment on the whole thing was, "That dude needs some Jesus."

That was disturbing!  I obsessed over this truck for the rest of our trip (and since we still had an hour to go, that's a lot of pondering!).  Was this guy for real?  Were these actually band stickers that I am not aware of, as I only listen folk rock and country?  If he was really into worshiping the devil, what terrible things had happened in his life, to make him turn to the devil.  Surely he wasn't really into Satan worshiping.  When I was in high school, there was this road about 5 miles from my parents house that was rumored to have a group of people who participated in some Satan worshiping.  That road totally creeped me out.  I feel like I have a healthy respect for evil supernatural things and don't want to do anything that would unintentionally bring that sort of mojo down upon me.

Usually when I see moderately inappropriate stickers on cars, I send up a small prayer, to please not let my children either: have those stickers on their car, or get in cars with people who have stickers like that on their cars.  I'll be honest, that devil car, I prayed for that guy and for my children.


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