
Showing posts from May, 2019

Why I Teach

Since it's Teacher Appreciation Week, I thought I would share this story that happened today, and reminds me why I still teach.  I am wrapping up year 21 of teaching. Isn't that crazy?!  I love teaching.  Do I love everyday?  No.  Do I love every class?  Nope.  I have a class this semester that is one of the most negative groups of children I have ever encountered.  They take so much patience and I won't lie, I'm pretty much out at this point of the year.  Despite them, I love teenagers.  I love interacting with them everyday.  I love bein' all up in their business.  About 4 years ago, the young lady that is the focus of today's blog, arrived at school in a blaze of glory.  There are not enough descriptors to describe this young lady.  She was dra-m-a.  DRAMMMAAAAA.  She was cursing at teachers.  Cursing at kids.  Skipping class.  Getting in fights.  Making out with boys.  Getting in fights.  Cursing at anyone and everyone. I would rather have cleaned the toil