Why I Teach

Since it's Teacher Appreciation Week, I thought I would share this story that happened today, and reminds me why I still teach.  I am wrapping up year 21 of teaching. Isn't that crazy?!  I love teaching.  Do I love everyday?  No.  Do I love every class?  Nope.  I have a class this semester that is one of the most negative groups of children I have ever encountered.  They take so much patience and I won't lie, I'm pretty much out at this point of the year.  Despite them, I love teenagers.  I love interacting with them everyday.  I love bein' all up in their business. 

About 4 years ago, the young lady that is the focus of today's blog, arrived at school in a blaze of glory.  There are not enough descriptors to describe this young lady.  She was dra-m-a.  DRAMMMAAAAA.  She was cursing at teachers.  Cursing at kids.  Skipping class.  Getting in fights.  Making out with boys.  Getting in fights.  Cursing at anyone and everyone. I would rather have cleaned the toilets in the male students' bathroom- than deal with her.  She was a nightmare.   Her sophomore year, she was still a nightmare, but at least there were glimpses of her  not being a drama queen.  When she was calm and not all up in the drama, she was sweet.  During her third year, she suddenly and surprisingly became this entirely different student.  She became someone you could reason with.  She was someone you enjoyed having a conversation with.  She was sweet, and funny.  This year- her senior year- she has been delightful.  She's been mature.  She's looked at other kids who were acting ridiculous, and has been like, "Is that what I was like?!" 

On Valentines' Day I saw her be so kind to one of our special needs students, that I got teary.  I was teary because of the maturity she demonstrated, and the kindness, and the compassion she gave to a student.  I've been watching her struggle the last few weeks with fear of graduating.  She's so anxious.  Graduating is scary.  And even though she cries daily, and has had several panic attacks, she's not skipping classes.  She's not acting out.  She's pushing herself. 

Today, I found myself breaking up a girl fight.  If you ask any high school teacher- they'll tell you girl fights are the WORST to break up.  Girls are crazy.  They can't shut it down.  The student I've been raving about- was there, and I knew she had my back.  I knew it.  I knew she wouldn't whip out her phone and start videoing (as many students were).  I knew she wouldn't leave.  When all was said and done- she asked if I was okay, before I asked if she was okay. 

And y'all.  That's why I teach. 


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