My Interpretation
Way back when I was first married, I would ask Doug a question and he would either: not respond or just do the old, "Mmm." I won't lie, it made me psychotic! I mean, seriously! Why can't he just say whether he wanted to do that, or not. Be clear with me. I don't do subtle (in case you couldn't tell). Well, as we advanced on into the years, I grew more wise and started verbalizing possible interpretations to his shrugs, silences, or grunts. And based on his reaction to my interpretations, I would guess the meaning. For example, last night I asked if he would be interested in getting a couple's massage when we go to Mexico this summer. If you know Doug, you know this is so NOT the kind of thing he would EVER want, but the thing is, I want him to know how awesome massage is! I LOVE getting them! It's not weird dirty old ladies or men (except for that one time . . . just kidding) trying to cop a feel. It's truly relaxing and he...