Just a Few Minutes!

The other day I required a few minutes of privacy in the restroom.  However, ladies, you know that you can't immediately take care of your business, until your chil-rens are taken care of.  No matter how pressing the business. 
So, we get home on Friday afternoon go through the usual routine: set my stuff down, greet the dog, and get Alexa a snack to eat, while we walk Gracie.  Gracie's been bounding between the driveway and the kitchen for the last 2 minutes.  Out we go.  Thankfully Gracie does not require privacy to take care of her business and can do it all while Alexa watches and comments the entire time.  She used to sing a song about it, "Gracie pee outside.  Gracie pee outside."  Poor dogs.  Sometimes I do really feel bad for them.
In order for me to get a minute of privacy, I convinced Andrew to hang out in the backyard with Alexa and Gracie.  Both the girls wanted to be in the front, but I don't like to leave them unattended in the front.  However, to get Alexa in the backyard, I had to bring 2 armfuls of outside toys back there.  So I dashed back in the house, to get some privacy and . . . I hear Alexa stomp in, and the front door slam.  Damn! 
I am a few steps behind, but I get to the door to discover, Doug's home!  Thank goodness!!!  I will get those few blessed minutes!  Well, he busts in the house, "Where's mommy, Alexa?  Kate, where are you?"  Ok, folks, our house is not all that big, so there is no reason for him to not be able to find me.  He's calling for me.  I shout, "I'M IN THE STUPID BATHROOM!!!!" 
"Oh.  I'm sorry!" 
Then he stands outside the door, chatting it up with me.  "Hey, how was your day?  Did you get anything done?"
For the love of Pete!!!! Seriously?!!!!  Dude!  Take a hike. 
Isn't that the way it is, I get rid of the kids, and then the husband is there.  Chatting it up with me, when all I wanted was a few minutes alone.  


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