
Showing posts from September, 2012

Back Off Sister!

There is a lead up story to the real story. The lead up is this: when Andrew was in the 3 year old room at daycare, the ultimate of ultimate insults among the three year old sect was to call one another, "Baby!!!"  Whenever anyone called Andrew this, he would completely fall apart.  It absolutely infuriated him.  He was NOT a baby!!!! It doesn't matter what age kids are, when they get a reaction like that . . . well they just increase the taunting.  Doug and I decided we'd give him a comeback, and practice with him.  So, whenever someone called him "Baby!!!" he was supposed to respond, "I don't care."  We practiced the tone of voice he was supposed to use, we practiced not falling on the floor crying, and we practiced a LOT!  It turned out to be a useful lesson, because eventually people stopped calling him "Baby!!" and then we got to reiterate the lesson again in kindergarten when the ultimate insult was "Stupid!" Fast

I Ain't Got Nothing on This.

I have met my match.  I thought I was stubborn, and then I had Andrew.  I realized he's stubborn, but then I had Alexa and she proves to me regularly Andrew and I have NOTHING on that girl.  NOTHING.  Back in August, Alexa moved up to the 2 year old room.  She has flourished in that room.  I have learned that her ideal teacher, is a sweet teacher.  Her teachers have rules, and she follows them, but they're so cute and sweet.  She has become a totally different child.  The temper tantrums are infrequent, the laughing and smiling is constant.  With them she is learning her ABC's, she can count to 4, she's learning her colors, and so many new words.  We're almost having conversations.  She's so doggone cute to me sometimes, I could absolutely eat her up.  Her hair is finally growing, and she's leaning up.  But, one thing has not changed.  She's a stubborn mule!  There have been many characteristics that have me fearing for her early teenage years, but h

A Giddy Geek

Folks, I've got to tell you that I have been sooo stinking excited the last two weeks (even though the hard drive on my computer is capput, and let's not talk about the last time I backed up everything and the pictures I've probably lost.  I'm currently living in a state of unrealistic hope that the tech guy fixing it- will recover everything.  Right?  Right.) So, what am I soooo excited about?  What could be that thrilling that it compensates for my computer troubles?  Well, I'll tell you.  The good city of Monroe has changed their waste management company and now I can recycle EVERYTHING practically!  OMG!!! Seriously?  That's what's got me so excited?!  Yes.  That's what a freak I am.  Recycling has got me over the moon.  I am a big recycler.  I recycle my AA, AAA, DD batteries, in addition to the cell phone, and car battery variety.  I have been mad at the good city of Monroe for years because I have been unable to recycle cereal boxes, and other

To Be Scared, Or Not

I got my new Entertainment Weekly magazine yesterday.  I read it cover to cover today.  I just love that magazine.  If you're not a reader, this week's feature is about the tv show, American Horror Story .  I started to read the magazine this morning before I headed out on my morning walk.  I was the only one awake in the house, sitting in the kitchen alone, looking at the cover of this creepy magazine and the light over the kitchen sink started to flicker wildly and then suddenly went out.  I was completely creeped out.  I am a huge scaredy cat.  Huge.  But not about normal things.  I'm not scared of getting mugged.  I'm not scared of the teenagers in my school.  I'm not scared of weather related disasters.  See, why would I worry about something I can't control?  I'll deal with it when it happens.  You know what I'm scared of?  The Boogey Man, being possessed by the Devil, and voodoo dolls.  Cause those are things you run into everyday.  Not. When