To Be Scared, Or Not

I got my new Entertainment Weekly magazine yesterday.  I read it cover to cover today.  I just love that magazine.  If you're not a reader, this week's feature is about the tv show, American Horror Story.  I started to read the magazine this morning before I headed out on my morning walk.  I was the only one awake in the house, sitting in the kitchen alone, looking at the cover of this creepy magazine and the light over the kitchen sink started to flicker wildly and then suddenly went out.  I was completely creeped out. 

I am a huge scaredy cat.  Huge.  But not about normal things.  I'm not scared of getting mugged.  I'm not scared of the teenagers in my school.  I'm not scared of weather related disasters.  See, why would I worry about something I can't control?  I'll deal with it when it happens.  You know what I'm scared of?  The Boogey Man, being possessed by the Devil, and voodoo dolls.  Cause those are things you run into everyday.  Not.

When I was little, like third/fourth grade I watched, what I would probably now think was an absolutely ridiculous movie, except something about that movie scared me and to this day I'm a little creeped out by voodoo dolls (To my knowledge I have never actually come in contact with one- I don't think).  If I feel a weird pang in my leg, a small part of me wonders, "Does someone have a voodoo doll of me?"

When I was in middle school and everyone was doing that Bloody Mary game, or Light as a Feather game at sleep overs, you weren't going to catch me participating in that weird junk.  My Lord, what if we actually saw Bloody Mary's face in the mirror?!!!  That story creeped me out so bad that to this day, as a 36 year old woman, if I happen to still be awake at midnight, I will go out of my way to not look in a mirror until 12:01. 

I HATED Ouija boards.  My sister had one of those freaky things and I hated it even being in the doggone house. Maybe you didn't even have to be touching it, cause if a ghost really wants to  communicate with you, why does it need a board?  There's no telling with the paranormal world. 

When I was in. . . . 5th grade maybe?  I went to a sleep over and we watched, Friday the 13th, Halloween, and The Shining. That whole crazed psychopath stalking Jamie Lee Curtis terrifies me.  When Doug's out of town and I'm alone, I'm not scared of a burglar, I'm scared of Michael Myers.   I drove my mother bananas, by my irrational fear of the dark for weeks after that. 

When I was 23 I went and saw The Blair Witch Project with Doug.  OMG.  I am not lying when I say that for 3 days I could not sleep for fear of waking up and finding a pile of rocks and sticks outside my door, symbolizing my untimely and unexplained death.  I finally got some Tylenol PM and forced myself to sleep- with the lights and tv blaring. 

I won't even discuss The Exorcist.  That is the scariest movie EVER.  If I talk about it,I'll just bring up all those suppressed memories from that horrifying movie.  Like when Linda Blair woke up in the middle of the night with her bed vibrating?  Or when she came downstairs and peed on the floor in the middle of her mother's cocktail party?  Holy Smokes.  Crazy scary. 

My brother and I watched Amityville Horror once.  He harmlessly mentioned that when the mother looks out her window and sees the red glowing eyes, he gets completely freaked out.  Ever since then . . . if it's dark, I won't close the shades or blinds because if I saw red glowing eyes outside of my window I'd probably pee all over myself. 

So, back to Entertainment Weekly.  It reminded me that I want to watch American Horror Story.  Last season Facebook was alive with all these rave reviews.  I was so curious, so interested, fascinated, but clearly I have issues with being scared, but what if my irrational fear is preventing me from seeing something totally awesome?  What a dilema!!!  To be scared, or not to. 


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