I Ain't Got Nothing on This.

I have met my match.  I thought I was stubborn, and then I had Andrew.  I realized he's stubborn, but then I had Alexa and she proves to me regularly Andrew and I have NOTHING on that girl.  NOTHING. 

Back in August, Alexa moved up to the 2 year old room.  She has flourished in that room.  I have learned that her ideal teacher, is a sweet teacher.  Her teachers have rules, and she follows them, but they're so cute and sweet.  She has become a totally different child.  The temper tantrums are infrequent, the laughing and smiling is constant.  With them she is learning her ABC's, she can count to 4, she's learning her colors, and so many new words.  We're almost having conversations.  She's so doggone cute to me sometimes, I could absolutely eat her up.  Her hair is finally growing, and she's leaning up.  But, one thing has not changed.  She's a stubborn mule! 

There have been many characteristics that have me fearing for her early teenage years, but her stubborness is something I might fear the most.  In one way, it's what will make her successful.  In another way, it'll make our lives so difficult. 

In this new big girl room, they work with the children on potty training.  It's not the actual potty training room.  It's the "feel the kids out and see who's interested in potty training" room.  Alexa was thrilled with the potty.  She talked about it constantly.  I personally feel like she's a little young to be doing the whole potty training thing.  She just turned 2.  I also have a personal philosophy about not forcing my kids to be potty trained.  She'll do it when she's ready.  If I force it, I cause her and myself undue stress.  She won't be 5 and still wearing a diaper.  (Have no fear, I'll live to eat these words, when I am practically forcing Alexa to be potty trained this summer, or else she'll have to stay in the potty training room again).  So, at every diaper change, she'd sit on the potty.  At home, she'd insist on sitting on the potty.  Not one of those little kid ones either- she refused that option. She sat on the big girl potty.  Then about 3 weeks ago, she stopped going to the bathroom at school.  Completely.  The first few days I wasn't all that worried about it.  It was weird, but . . . who knows.  Then I realized it was becoming a pattern and I got worried that she'd give herself a UTI or kidney infection.  So I told her teachers to not put her on the potty anymore.  It clearly was having some stressful reactions in her.  So . . . at school they stopped, but at home she continued to be interested in the potty, but I sort of put her off.  And nothing changed, if anything it's gotten worse.  She absolutely refuses to use the bathroom at school.  She'll go 8 hours without going.  Then she'll get in the car, and the flood gates will open. 

See folks this is what I am talking about.  She has the control to not go, to hold it, to the point of uncomfort.  It has to be uncomfortable.  I've had the teachers giving her LOTS of extra milk, juice, and water throughout the day!!!!!   How do you figure out 2 year old issues? The doctor was ZERO help.  She said to stop pushing potty training.  First of all, it wasn't pushed.  She was interested, and we let her try, but I assure you there was no pressure.  Second of all, we won't let her go now- maybe that's the wrong thing too.  It's not just stubborness that has me troubled.  It's her turmoil about this situation.  Is she upset because she's not catching on like she thinks she should?  Is she upset because she thinks she should do this and doesn't really want to?  Is she upset because her body won't do what her head wants it to do?  Is it all of these things?  Is it none of these things?  Why are children so mysterious?!!!  I guess that's the million dollar question. 


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