He's Got Her Back

Sometimes I wonder if Andrew will actually look out for Alexa.  Mostly he just seems to look for ways to aggravate the *&%^ out of her, but every now and then he indicates that he does have her back- if she needs it.
I remember one time we were doing some yard work in the back yard.  Alexa was super little- like sit her on a blanket and she didn't move- little.  He was supposed to be keeping an eye on her, because I was helping Doug take a tree down.  He suddenly started screaming.  He was panicked because . . . Alexa had done some rolling and maneuvering and face planted in some dirt.  Andrew apparently thought she was going to die.  Hey kid, "Dirt Don't Hurt!"  That was the first time I was reassured that he would save her- if he had to.
Another time she had somehow gotten herself in a spot, where she was pretty close to the edge of something off the ground.  Andrew freaked then too.  Freaking isn't exactly the reaction I want him to have- but at least it notified me, to save her.
On Friday, Doug and Andrew went to watch the All-Star T-Ball team.  There were a few players from Doug's and Alexa's team playing, and then some other kids we cared about.  One of the players, who was in pre-school with Alexa, asked Doug, "Where's Alexa?"  Doug and Andrew reported this event to Alexa and I, when they got home.  Andrew, I am sure you will be surprised to know- did NOT tease Alexa about this.  Alexa played it cool, and didn't react.  (she gets that "one cool cat" thing from me.  I'm cool and non-dramatic.)  Doug and I exchanged one of those looks.  An entire conversation was held in that glance.
Me: "WHAT?!! What's this kid's intentions?  He better slow his role!  I am NOT impressed."
Doug: "Chill out, ya freak."

Anyway, this morning Andrew and I are sitting and chilling and somehow this small boy who asked about Alexa came up.  He told me, if that kid tries anything, he'll beat him up.  He ain't gonna tolerate any nonsense with HIS sister.

Well that gave me pause. I mean- I don't want Andrew to beat up small children, but I am glad to know he feels like he needs to keep an eye out- for IF she needs someone to beat up a small boy. Although- I am pretty sure Alexa can handle herself.  She's got a brother, and his friends to keep in line . . . one small 6 year old is no match for her.  Although . . . that fast moving young gentleman did wave at her this morning as he approached the batter's box, and Alexa endured a LOT of teasing from her brother's friends about her boyfriend.  She punched them, told them to stop, and went about her business.  See- she got some unruly 11 year olds in line.  Boys her own age . . . no sweat!


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