Less Kids and Better Shoes

First, I want to write a disclaimer to my new sister in law in case she reads this . . . I had a great time at the wedding.  It was beautiful.  It was crazy fun, the food was FANTASTIC, and I should have left my kids with the gypsies, so I would have had even more fun.

Getting ready for this wedding took MONTHS of preparation for one particular member of the family.  Oh, I know you all are assuming it's Alexa.  She tends to have a more high maintenance personality, so she gets the bad rap.  It was not Alexa.  See. . . while Alexa is emotional, Alexa is used to having to roll with whatever happens in the family.  You know that whole, youngest child thing.  Andrew while older, and appearing to have a more laid back personality . . . did NOT want to dress up.  He did NOT want to miss a weekend at the baseball field, away from his friends, and doing something he wasn't entirely loving.  He was never downright ugly, bratty, or unpleasant, but . . . he wasn't his best self either.

Way back in August, I started looking for possible outfits for him to wear, on the internet.  I started showing him different looks.  Got him thinking about dressing up.  Thankfully he was in a wedding in October, so he got to practice wearing a suit and realized it's not torture.  It could be worse.  Then we stumbled on the suit he ended up wearing, in December.  It was on sale at Belks. We bought it a little big, not knowing whether he was going to grow or not, figuring I would get it altered if I needed to.  While we were in the dressing room, he was strutting around in there, like he was a The Man.  He seemed to feel like he was pretty handsome- he was, but possibly I'm biased.  Then in April we bought his button down shirts and ties.  It was all a very gradual advance towards The Big Event.

A few days before the wedding, we found out that the family had to be dressed and ready a few hours before the wedding.  Andrew was annoyed.  He could have been doing this:

Instead, he was doing this.

hahahahaha- this face makes me laugh!!!!!!!!!!!

Alexa was fine dressing up.  She loved it.  I put product in her hair, put a little mascara on her lashes. She was finally getting to wear the high heeled sandals I had agreed to.  She had a rhinestone headband in.

Andrew's mood improved once he got to eat.  He was pigging out at the cocktail party.  Alexa was hiding in a corner, while I slipped her Lance crackers.  I knew she was a picky eater, but Lord y'all. . . it was this weekend that I realized how picky she was.  If it wasn't for her, we could have really indulged in the Philly cuisine.  Instead we had to stick to safe places where we could get her cheese and bread.  BORING!!!!  Anyway- Alexa rebounded from dinner once the dancing and dessert started-

Here they are at one point in the evening- I guess long drives, marathon sight seeing, sharing a bed, staying up late, getting up early, and partying is exhausting.  

It was a fun time, it was great seeing all of our family and friends that we only seem to see at weddings, but I should have ditched my kids and wore more comfortable shoes, then I would have been a partay animal!!!!!!


  1. This was exquisite! I read it twice. Also, thanks for adding the picture that makes me look thinner.


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