
Showing posts from November, 2017

What He Lacks in Subtlety . . .

Lately I am feeling like Doug is hogging Andrew.   I don't think it's intentional.  I think it's just one of those- the boys have similar interests; as  Alexa and I tend to enjoy a lot of the same things.   I decided I would have to be a little forceful, in making sure I get my time with Andrew.  We had a perfect opportunity tonight.  He had a flag football game, so I demanded I would be the one to take him.  Well, wouldn't you know it?! When we got to the game- it had gotten cancelled at the last minute due to an electrical situation with the lights.  What a bummer!  (for Andrew- not for me.  I didn't mind not sitting out in the chill) Gosshhhh . . . what to do?!  It was only 6:30.  The night was so young.   We decided to stop for a treat on the way home (I take so little convincing).  I just happened to have cash, so we could have this treat in complete secrecy.  We were going to obliterate all evidence.  Napkins safely hidden.  Faces completely wiped clean

A Little Glimpse Into My Wacky Family

So . . . Doug's FFA group is selling Boston Butts (if you don't know what that is- it's pork). He put this order form on social media this afternoon.  Well . . . my mother sends us this text:  Add caption I feel this is a good example of all of our goofy sense of humors.  And hey- if you are local and want a "butt" . . . we can hook you up.  :-)

Presence of Mind

Here's the story: Alexa and I arrived home this evening, after the boys had left to take Andrew to practice.  The house was dim, with only one light on.  Alexa walks in, and puts her stuff down, announces she's going to take a shower.  Meanwhile- I have left the door to the garage open, as I am going back out to get the rest of the things out of the car, and take the trash to the road.  While I do this a lot- there's always the thought in the back of my head . . . what if this is the moment that we have a home invasion, and I'm locked out of the house and my children are defenseless, inside the house.  Morbid?  Probably. Anyway, I got the stuff out of the car, took the trash down, walked in the house, and heard the shower running.  I decided I would let Alexa know I was going to use the restroom in my bathroom, and make sure she had set the timer, so that she would get out of the shower within a reasonable time period.  She hadn't- she never does.  I set the time

A Little DIY- all by myself . . . almost

I saw a picture on Pinterest . . . (haven't we all?) I decided I really needed this in my life.  Something about it was perfection. So . . . as we were cutting up trees and limbs from this summer, I had Doug cut me up some logs and I've been waiting and waiting and waiting to either find the perfect crate, or build the perfect crate. The perfect opportunity to build one presented itself, when Andrew's bed broke.  (Alexa initially broke it this summer, when she jumped on it, but it was repairable for a time, then it finally broke a couple of weeks ago).  He had a bunch of wooden slats to put his mattress on.  Doug being the smarty he is . . . saved them for me. I wanted to make this crate ALL BY MYSELF.  Typically when I think up ideas, I tell Doug and then he becomes the engineer/boss and I become the gopher/get tools and hold stuff.  I wanted to be the boss and gopher of my own project. It went fairly well . . . These are not "exactly" even.  I mea