Crazy Cat
We always take the dog out for one last walk of the night. Depending on which one of us takes her- that walk happens anywhere between 9:30pm and 12:30am. The other night, Doug comes dashing in the door. He's talking all about how this weird black cat chased him and the dog home. He mentioned it SEVERAL times the following day. I should probably have been more sympathetic. I mean, Doug isn't exactly a scaredy cat (hahaha, see what I did there). That's me. He doesn't imagine werewolves in the bushes, or rabid animals stalking him. That's all me. He's also not one to embellish, for the sake of a good story. I don't do that either- for the record. My stories are all completely accurate. You can count on me to tell the facts, and only the facts. (I need to make sure you know that- because the following tale is straight up for real.) You should also know three things: 1 our dog HATES cats, 2 the dog is a great big old...