Wow! It's Been Awhile

It's been almost 4 months since I have blogged!  What's the deal?!  Well, I've been struggling with this whole social media thing.  I am feeling disenchanted with it.  Well, with parts of it.  I unplugged for awhile, while I tried to get my head around it.

I got rid of Facebook a few weeks ago, and then I creep back on every now and then, because I want to see your pictures and keep up with old friends, but . . . then I see why I am not on there.  Then I read a comment and I go, "Oh yeah.  That's why I don't like it."  It's been so freeing not being on it. Not being aware of people's hurt feelings or drama, that doesn't include me.  I like it.  I like not snooping to find out why so and so got upset.  It's unhealthy.  Except, I can't stop.  Realizing this, I want you to know- that I will keep up the blog, because I love doing it.  But you'll have to check it on your own.  I'm taking an extended break from the old Facebook.  It seems hypocritical to get off it, but get back on it to post stuff here and there.  Either I am in or I'm out.  And for right now, I'm out. It's just not for me anymore.  It's a place that doesn't make me feel good about what I see, or how I conduct myself.  While I never post anything I wish I hadn't, I often wish I hadn't snooped to see what people replied to a status update.  It stresses me out seeing other people's negativity.

With that being said, bookmark the blog and I'll try to be more consistent.


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