Quarantine Week 2

Happy Week 2 of Quarantining!!!

This week was a legit quarantine for us.  Week 1 we got out, we went shopping for food to donate to a local charity, and helped deliver food, and my kids hung out with neighbors and friends.  Then Friday night, I blogged, I drank- got a little drunk (I'm a total light weight), and put the family on legit Lock Down.

I went into the week with a pretty positive attitude and it has stayed that way.  I am a person that requires routines and I set one up that has been very good for us.  We've even eaten vegetables!!!!  Every day this week.  That's practically unheard of for us.  Randomly my house has been clean all week.  How is that even happening?!  Somehow when we're all here all the time, it's clean- and when we fly in and out of the house for a brief moment- it's a mess.  There are many mysteries in the world (this week has sure proven that!).

Saturday I discovered TikTok.  If you're not on TikTok- DO NOT get it.  I repeat DO.NOT.  I have lost hours of my life looking at these videos.  They're so funny and entertaining.  If you don't follow my advice, and get on TikTok anyway, then be sure to follow and like things in your interest areas.  You can get totally wrapped up in trash.  I'm not saying I'm enhancing my life- I'm totally not.  But I don't fear for society either.  I like to watch cute toddlers, teachers, Broadway people, and dogs.  I stick with that.  It's safe.  Plus- Alexa is frequently looking over my shoulder, so I don't want her to see anything that will scar her or that I don't want to have to explain.

We had a miracle occur here.  A legit, bonafide miracle.  Andrew read a book that I suggested!!!!  Several months ago he crushed my soul, when he cleaned out his room and got rid of every single book in his room.  He had no need for them.  He wasn't going to read them and he hates reading.  In my mad dash out of the school building, I ran by the media center and grabbed some books that I hoped he would read.  He read one of them.  I didn't have to force him, beg him, resort to threats- he actually read it and said it was good.  WHAT?!!!!

If I had written this blog post yesterday, it would have been all about how we weren't hating this.  We miss our friends and family, but we have a routine that works for us, we aren't hating being together.  We've accepted this whole no school until May 15- we don't love it.  We miss school.  All of us.  But we were figuring it out.  Then today our governor put "A Stay At Home Order" in place for 30 days and it's a bit of a blow.  Thirty days is a lot of days.  It has kind of put a damper on my whole "this is going to get better and we'll soon be able to get out and about and life will return to normal and everything will be peachy keen" hopeful attitude.

But frankly that's kind of how this whole thing is, you have a day or morning or moment, when you're like, "Alright, cool this isn't so bad!  I've got this!!! There are positives, like I can wear workout clothes everyday, all day.  I don't have to waste time showering everyday!  Chocolate is a completely and totally acceptable food group.  We've been enjoying hanging out with each other!" and then . . . you have those moments when you're like, "Holy smokes this isn't a long Christmas vacation.  This is a little scary.  And we're missing school plays, friends, proms, baseball season, and seeing our family."  Well, we'll readjust, get our brains wrapped around 30 days.  We have ideas of things we can do, we'll be okay, but it's still a bummer.


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