Quarantine Week 1

Soooo it's Friday of the first 5 full days of being "quarantined."  Monday I wasn't fully quarantined because I went to school, finalized a few things and then came home and created a schedule, which exhausted me and so I had to lay on the couch and eat junk until I got myself back in order.

Tuesday- Doug went to work (because we thought it was a workday), but I stayed home because I realized I needed to get  my kids into a routine and try to hammer it into Andrew's head this wasn't Spring Break, so he wasn't living his funnest, best life.  Towards the afternoon it got too much so I went for a walk and spent the evening on the couch, until I felt in order.

Wednesday we had our first virtual faculty meeting.  Directly after that I hid in the closet and ate chocolate for 30 minutes.  Then I don't remember what I did after that.  But Wednesday night I had a firm talk with myself and told myself I was not going to be like this.  I can adapt and adjust to new routines. I can.  I watch The Walking Dead. I know what I need to do to survive.

Yesterday I did my first full day of working from home.  I didn't hate it and I felt fairly productive.  I have no idea what my kids did. I think they ate a LOT of junk.  We ate Chick Fil A for dinner and the house was fairly trashed.  I went to bed at 9:30.

Today I did another work from home day.  It wasn't quite as productive today.  I guess it kind of was, because I attended a Webinar, but I wasn't actually doing anything so I feel like I didn't get as much done as I could have. Today I actually got out of the house because I had to take the dog to the vet (she has bronchitis) and went to Walmart to buy a few supplies (2 party sized bags of m&m's, among other things).  I went for a walk and loved loved loved the weather.  I'll be honest, if this whole Quarantine thing had gone down a month ago, I don't know that I could have survived.  The past 2 days have been great for me because the weather's been great.  I can handle anything when it's sunny,  warm, and my dogwoods and azaleas are starting to bloom.

Over the weekend, when we were starting to find out that we would be quarantined, I was like, "I so have this.  I love to stay home.  I love to be in my house. I love to not interact with other humans!!!!"  I am fine not interacting with humans and staying home.  My struggle is- my children are not good at that.  So I need to be disciplined in keeping to the routine.  I did a good job keeping to the morning routine.  They were up and doing schoolwork and chores every morning.  By 11:30 I petered out from the structure.  I don't know that Andrew ate a vegetable or fruit this week (Alexa ate carrots one night and had her applesauce pouches- she good).  Well- jk. Andrew had potatoes in the 5,000 chips he ate.  Alexa was in front of a screen way more than I would ever let her normally.  So Clearly I have some work to do, getting my family back in order, and luckily next week is a new week with lots of opportunities.

This quarantining stuff ain't for the faint of heart y'all!!!


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