It's All in My Head.... Or Is It?
My mom came to visit for a few days. She hung out with my chilruns while I went back to school. A perk of her recent retirement (although, I just want to say-I didn't ask, or insinuate- she called me & volunteered. I am no fool- I accepted). Anyway here are a few thoughts I had while she was here: 1. She and I flew in the house around 6:30pm one evening, and threw together our dinner. As she was at her work station and I was at mine, I thought how different cooking with a woman is. We didn't plan to work on separate recipes, but it was automatic. I didn't tell her, "Why don't you do....?" And she didn't do that with me. Somehow we never got in each other's way. Somehow it was organized, efficient, & comforting. I thought to times I've worked with my mother in law or friends. It's similar. When Doug is in the kitchen, I feel bossy, controlling, and naggy. Somehow he's always standing in the exact spot I need to be. We overlap tas...