Wiped Clean

There are days when we are knocking parenting out of the ballpark.  I mean.  We are ROCKING it!!!
For example today: I took the kids to Carowinds- way to be a fun mom.  Then we stopped at an amazing- new to us- donut place.  Way to teach my kids to try things.  Then we went and brought a donut to Doug.  Way to teach kindness and generosity to others.  Then we taught Alexa that when she really gets hurt.  We don't care.  Suck it up buttercup.  Life's hard.  Ain't nobody caring when you get hurt.

Doug and I were working on a the top of my farm table (it's going to be done in a few weeks- I mean- the plans said a weekend, but we want it perfect.  And perfect means s u p e r   s  l  o  w     ).  Andrew and Alexa were playing some type of game that required chasing.  They weren't in full out runs, but they were moving in a slow paced running fashion.  In fairness- they have been told A LOT, and I do mean A LOT to not run- every time we stop in to see Doug.  Suddenly Alexa lets out a high pitched wail, sort of collapses, sucks in a breath and then starts crying.

As the Dynamic Duo- of parenting, this is how we reacted:  Doug yelled that they shouldn't be running- but kept sitting on the stool, and I looked up- figured I didn't see immediate blood, Andrew didn't seem alarmed, so I didn't need to get in a tizzy, and I could finish what I was doing.  (For the record- one should always judge the immediacy, or potential crisis of a situation- by their 11 year old son's reaction.)  Alexa ultimately got up, and went to Doug's classroom to gather herself.  Andrew did whatever it is that Andrew does.  I finished the task I was working on.  Doug kept watching me, offering helpful suggestions.  I go into Doug's classroom to gather our things, so we can go home.

And Doug looks at Alexa's back.  He grimaces.  Hmmm.  Doug over-reacts.  It's probably not a big deal.  I looked.  Ooooh.  She really did deserve some love and sensitivity.  She didn't deserve to be yelled at and ignored.  I SSUUCCCKKKKK.   I am a horrible mother.  I am insensitive and uncaring. All of the fun things I did today- were just wiped clean from the slate.  She won't remember a fun trip, donuts (mostly because she didn't like any of the ones she sampled- and threw them out.), she'll remember that when she deserved love, she got ignored.  Slay me now.  


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