Wedded Bliss . . . Ten Years Later

Yep.  Doug and I have been married TEN years!!!!  Can you believe that?  Well- not quite ten years, yet.  On Thursday- April 7- it'll be TEN years!!!!  And I am pretty sure we still love each other. I know I still love Doug and quite honestly- how could he not love me?  I am never a pill and always a delight. 

In honor of our almost anniversary- I am including a copy of the email I sent my mother raving about him, after our first date- with hardly no editing and only a few comments in parenthesis.  Enjoy:

Mom!!!! (I loved exclamation points way back then, too)  I went out tonight with a guy from school.  He's a teacher.  (let me clarify that I was also a teacher).  He's not married (thank goodness) and he's SUPER nice.  He's an Agriculture Education teacher- think Future Farmer's of America (uhhh- ok?!!)  But, anyway, he sat with me at the football game the other night, and tonight after cheerleading practice (I was the cheerleading coach my first year teaching- first year teachers will do anything!), he came over and talked to me and we decided to go and get some wings.  Let me tell you all of his totally cool qualities.  #1. he's 24 (I can't believe we were that young!), and is one semester away from getting his master's in administration.  #2. he is financially able to care for himself.  #3. he opens doors for me- all of them, car, building, etc  #4. He doesn't curse at all- and when he did- he apologized (hahahahaha- clearly I had not seen him work on a project yet!) #5. He happened to have enough money on him for dinner for both of us.  #6.  He was courteous- asking questions about my family, talked about his- and gets along with them.  #7. He graduated from college in 4 years- with honors.  #8.  He likes to do things- not just sit around. #8. He has friends, but likes to spend time with his girlfriend (that I just guess about, but feel pretty sure it's true)  #9.  He likes to buy things for his girlfriend (now that I don't care that much about, but it shows that he cares enough to buy things for them, before he goes out and buys beer for himself).  I'll let you know how things go- but right now he's SUPER cool. 

Ok- that's what I told my parents about Doug.  Doug told his parents I was 295 pounds, I played defensive end for Winthrop, and I was missing several teeth.

The rest, as they say, is history. 

As a side note- as a mature woman (I have proved that I am hardly mature- so I use that term loosely) I am proud of all the things that I liked about Doug as a young (I was only 22) adult.  I am so glad that a: I wrote that email, b: my mother is an archivist of my emails and kept it, could find it, and gave it to me and c: I will be able to show that email to my children one day.   

So there it is- my first impression of Doug.  You know- when I am not busy complaining about him- I still rave about him  ;-)


  1. Well! That is a terrific posting. I actually have a couple of tears - smiling tears, not laughing or crying tears. I am so glad that you are still in love. You two keep up the good work. P.S. - was this a tricky way of reminding me of your 10th anniversary? hehe

  2. I give props to your mom! :)

  3. That is really neat that you have that email for many reasons. First, I am impressed you would send your mom an email like that about someone you were dating. I never did but I hope my daughters do! Also, how great to have your first impressions put into words. Happy Anniversary!
    Cathy (Ostrowski) Peters


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