Build and Grow

Doug says the funniest things sometimes (to be honest- he’s a pretty funny man- although often times I find humor at his expense, not necessarily with him). 
For example, the other day while we were working on the new and improved playset:  Doug and I were both holding a board and weren’t able to go and get a tool that was needed.  So, Doug says to his favorite tool retriever: “Andrew, go into my big red toolbox in the garage and get a long screwdriver and hurry.”  Andrew dashes off.  He comes sauntering back (remember- he doesn’t hurry for anything).  He says, “I don’t know if this is the right tool- it has a cross on it and I think you said you wanted a straight one.”  Doug says, “Yeah- go and get the other one.”  Then after Andrew is out of ear shot, Doug says, “He just failed tool identification.”  In my head I am thinking: “Good grief- this must be how prodigy’s feel, constantly being pressured by their parents to do better and work harder.”  Clearly- Andrew is being groomed to be a tool identification prodigy.  I have a feeling that’s not going to pad my retirement account, but will make him very useful to his wife.  Which is more important than being rich.
You needed that background info of Andrew being groomed for his future as a tool identification prodigy, so I could tell you that one of Andrew and Doug’s favorite things to do, is to attend Lowe’s Build and Grow programs on Saturday mornings.  If you’ve never been and have a child 4 years or older- go!  It’s free and such a good experience for the kids and you!  (Funny story- the first time we went, Andrew insisted on wearing the provided goggles because that was good shop safety. Hahahaha, he’s so cute sometimes) As a result of their frequent attendance, Andrew has LOTS of projects he’s built.  We like to display them in his room, but his bookshelf was becoming rather crowded.

I decided a shelf- above the new desk (actually the desk was just brought out of the storage unit) would be perfect to display all of the many, many Build and Grow projects.  Since I sometimes like to laugh at Doug’s expense, I have a photo montage of this “building project.”  Which it is indeed a building project as Doug required many tools to install one shelf: stud finder, 3 different sized levels (a 4 foot, 2 foot, and a torpedo), a special pencil, a tape measure, a drill, drill bits, and screws. 
This is like an "I Spy" book, can you find the drill, stud finder, level, etc . . .

He needed the special level to make sure the bracket was level.  I had to work hard to take this picture as Doug did NOT want me taking his picture (I think he suspected I was having a bit of a laugh at his expense)!

Here's the shelf and desk so Andrew can do his "homework" there.  When I suggested that he looked at me like I was crazy.


  1. You should pimp Doug out. You could make some money with his skills! Phil owns a millwork shop and the cabinets they built for my kitchen were great until one drawer front fell off. I had to beg and plead for 1 WHOLE YEAR before he made me another one and installed it. It took all of 5 minutes to install and his guys probably 20 minutes to make. Geez, you are a lucky girl!


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