The Playset

A few posts ago I shared that we were building a new better than ever playset.  (Let me refresh your memory- while building it I get trashy and make all kinds of very witty and entertaining sexual innuendos.  Oh yea- now you remember.)
So here's some pictures of the almost finished playset.  The only thing left are a few finishing boards and some more climbing apparatus's. Plus the monkey bars.  Don't forget the monkey bars.  Hey- Dad, don't forget the monkey bars- ok?  I think there's supposed to be monkey bars right here . . . Poor Doug.  I am 99% certain that Andrew nags him way more than I do to finish a project

Here's the spot- all prepped and ready for construction to begin.

Here's construction.  Andrew's so excited . . . he can't wait to get on it.

Looks like a hit!

The swings are on the back

Here's the front view.  We still need to put the roof on the tower by the slide.  I hope you are thinking how this playset looks incredibly square and level.  Doug stressed quite a bit over whether it was square and level- because that is going to be the first thing people see.

Here's a video of Andrew- being a big brother.



  1. I'm guessing Doug will keep bringing up how he built this play set with his bare hands.


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