Whoa Girl . . .

I can't believe I did it- but I managed to get my rear end out the door and out for a run this evening, after the kids went to bed.  How I did it- I'll tell you my secret- Katy Perry.  Before you say anything- fear not.  My husband, brother, and family are always telling my taste in music SUCKS.  I don't care- I like it and that's the way it is. 
So- imagine this.  I am running (trotting is a better word- as I am NOT fast!).  It's not dark- all the way.  I am pretty certain everyone is in a candy coma in front of their tv, so none of the neighbors are peeping out their windows and there are no cars- so no one can see . . . what a DORK I am!!!!!
Katy Perry's "Firework" comes on my ipod and even though I am on the back half, and I am TIRED I am suddenly motivated!  In fact, I am so motivated I must start running faster (by no means am I winning a race with my "fast" pace) and then I am throwing my head back- waving my hands, whispering (with emotion), "You just got to ignite the light, and let it shine, just own. . ."  DOH!!! 
Yep.  In my enthusiasm for the song, I ran off the road and lost my balance and tumbled. 
I wonder just how many stories you'll get of me falling. 
It doesn't matter- because all of them are funny.


  1. Baby you're a fiiiiiiiiiire-work! C'mon let your colors burn! :)

  2. Love it. Good for you and the run. N.Q.


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