
Showing posts from August, 2014

That First Sip

I discovered coffee a few weeks ago.  My dad and grandparents have always drunk it. My mom was a later on in life drinker (hahaha!! . . . that could be many things, but in this case, just coffee).  My brother and sister drink it.  I've always liked the smell of it.  I've always thought the idea of a toasty hot beverage was lovely, but then I tasted it, and P U K E!!!!!!  It was awful and gross and disgusting!  Oh sure, I could have done a cappuccino, frappuccino, or some other coffee confection- but if I was going to have a glorified milkshake, I might as well just have, well, a milkshake because I know I like those! People have suggested that I should drink coffee because I am NOT a morning person.  At all.  I can get up, get moving, and be productive- but do NOT try to interact with me.  I co-taught with a lady for a couple of years.  After 4 semesters of working together, we finally co-taught in the afternoon.  At the end of the semester, she said, "You know- I used t

Full Circle Depresses Me!

Four years ago, I brought this baby to a t-ball field. I brought a stroller, a carrier, a diaper bag full of diapers, wipes, bottles, and formula.  I held her a lot.  I remember standing and rocking and holding her.  I also remember changing a lot of diapers.  Seven months later and a new t-ball season, I brought this cutie pie to the t-ball field: I think I brought a blanket, a diaper bag full of toys, puffs, diapers, and wipes.  I think I held her a lot and bounced.  Six months later, I brought this funny girl:  Time passed and I brought this girl, that would head butt the concrete, until her head bled, when she didn't get her way.  I brought a wagon full of toys, snacks, and entertainment, in addition to the diaper bag and all that gear.   Even more time passed, and we moved to a new field where her brother cried and struck out and said he'd never play again.  She thankfully had stopped head banging the concrete, and even would talk to people- sometim

Stinky Car

I have stinky car issues.  I always have.  The other day we got in the car and O.M.G!!!!!  I thought something literally crawled up in there and died.  It was awful.  We had to drive with the windows open. Since I am experienced with stinky car issues, I am getting pretty "stinking" smart with how to deal with them. It all started back in high school.  I am NOT complaining about my high school car because: I had one, I didn't have to pay for it, the gas, or the insurance on it.  So- I am not complaining. However- the year and model of the car, enhance the story.  I had a 1981 Mercury Cougar.  It was 13 years old.  It had a LOT of miles on it.  The ceiling was coming down on me- and was stapled to the roof.  It looked a lot like this, except I think I remember it having 4 doors. Oh man, the things I did in that car.  If my mother is reading this- she should prepare to be shocked.  There were holes burned into the carpet behind the driver seat where I attempted to smo


Alexa got a new big girl bike for her birthday a few weeks ago.   Lord, she's been a maniac on that thing.  I won't lie- I have hovered a bit, because I am afraid she'll wipe out and then never get back on it again.  Plus, she's got my "grace" with Doug's affinity for accidents, she's a disaster waiting to happen.  So anyway, she's really improving on it and she LOVES to go fast!  She also likes to turn her head and talk to us- which results in a wild veer off into the grass, then her legs fly out to the sides and she's shrieking, "HELP!!!"  (I'm no help, because I laugh- every single time!) The other day we were walking the dog, Alexa was riding her bike, and Andrew was running up and down the street, dribbling the basketball.  He suddenly says, "Alexa, wanna race home?!"  So they go tearing off down the street.  Half way down, Alexa stops turns to me with the saddest face and says, "I can't beat him! My feet

A New Leash (but not on life)

There is a very friendly, kind, neighborly older gentleman who lives in my neighborhood.  He's the kind of neighbor you like to know is around because he knows all the gossip.  Who's moving, who's staying, who's got troublesome teenagers, who's got a husband in and out . . . you get it.  He's like the neighborhood watch. He's also . . . really really talkative.  Like I said, he's a very nice man, but . . . I am ashamed to say, I avoid him like the plague.   Once he gets going . . . you cannot get away, until he's updated you on all the neighborhood drama, like "Mrs. Claus is moving away, which is a good thing, because I've been mowing her lawn for the last 8 years.  I don't mind, but my wife tells me I need to start slowing down.  I don't think I do. I mean, I might be 75, but I forget and think I am 60.  That's why I walk everyday, it keeps me young.  Plus you know I go bowlin' a couple of days, and then of course, I go to t

Re-Occurring Nightmare

I have this one re-occurring nightmare.  It's not often.  It's not even all that scary.  However, if I have it . . . then I wake up with a racing heart and an uneasy feeling. The dream goes like this: I am lost in Charleston, SC.  I'm trying to get somewhere (the destination is always different), and I'm late.  If you've ever been to Charleston, then you know- there are like a hundred different ways to get to your destination. The trouble is, I always pick the route that takes me over the scary bridge. I try so hard not to pick that one, but it seems like every time, I manage to get the scary bridge.  It's a 2 lane bridge, with tons of traffic.  There is no barrier between the two narrow lanes of traffic heading in opposite directions.  There is also no barrier to keep you from going off the side. And of course, it's a really steep uphill.  Like- 100 stories tall.  It's like a roller coaster- but in your car, on a high up bridge, with scary traffic and

Guilty Pleasures

The other morning I was listening to a radio morning show, discussing the most popular “Guilty Pleasure Songs” based on a recent survey on Spotify.  I was in Heaven while they played clips from all the songs- because they were all my guilty pleasure songs too!  “Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur . . . “  Classic.  Anyway, this evening I was driving home in some serious traffic congestion.  We had 2 cars: the boy car and the girl car.  The girl car decided to entertain themselves by having a “Sing Along Party to . . . Princess Songs!!!!!!”  It got me to thinking about what guilty pleasures I have with each of my family members.  Alexa: 1. I can be totally silly and girly with her.  The girlier- the better.  Want to do crafts?  Only if there’s lots of glitter and pink and purple.  Want to go for a bike ride?  Only if we put on all of our prettiest jewels.  Something isn’t quite right?  Throw yourself on the floor in an emotional heap!   2. I can sing along to princess songs