Guilty Pleasures

The other morning I was listening to a radio morning show, discussing the most popular “Guilty Pleasure Songs” based on a recent survey on Spotify.  I was in Heaven while they played clips from all the songs- because they were all my guilty pleasure songs too!  “Apple bottom jeans, boots with the fur . . . “  Classic.  Anyway, this evening I was driving home in some serious traffic congestion.  We had 2 cars: the boy car and the girl car.  The girl car decided to entertain themselves by having a “Sing Along Party to . . . Princess Songs!!!!!!”  It got me to thinking about what guilty pleasures I have with each of my family members. 

1. I can be totally silly and girly with her.  The girlier- the better.  Want to do crafts?  Only if there’s lots of glitter and pink and purple.  Want to go for a bike ride?  Only if we put on all of our prettiest jewels.  Something isn’t quite right?  Throw yourself on the floor in an emotional heap!  

2. I can sing along to princess songs (which, for the record, I totally enjoy!  Seriously- have you listened to some of the songs?  The word play, rhyme, and lyrics are just genius! Plus they’re so catchy and humorous)

1. He’s always up for a meal out.  Andrew and I should actually not be allowed to hang out alone too much together.  We’re bad influences on each other.  There’s always a restaurant we want to try (as long as it serves garbage), or a place we haven’t been in awhile, or lunch in a restaurant just sounds better than lunch at home.

2. We can piss away an afternoon laying on the couch watching crap tv like nobody’s business.  Doug wants to know why I get nothing done- oh I’m doing something alright.  I’m laying my lazy butt on the couch & watching Austin & Ally or Jessie with Andrew.  It’s how we bond. 

3. Juvenile Literature.  I won’t lie- my adult books are pretty much complete and total trash.  However, I read some quality juvenile literature.  Of course, right now- we’re obsessed with Harry Potter.  Even though this is the 3rd or 4th time reading some of these books- I’m still just as fascinated as I was the first time.  However, I was this way when he went through the Junie B stage, and when we went through Percy Jackson (Oddly- I wasn’t obsessed with Captain Underpants. That I hated, but appreciated the word usage. However what a ridiculous and horrifically stupid book, full of 6-8 year old boy humor.  Since I was not a 6 year old boy- that is probably why I hated those books so much)

1. Gossip.  I love to gossip with Doug.  Now that we’re at the same school, it’ll be even better because he’ll share more with me- since I’ll know who he’s talking about.  He always knows the good stuff too. 

2. Sexual Innuendos.  It’s getting harder now because Andrew is a little more attentive to us (which makes it harder to gossip too- totally annoying), and I sure don’t want to be the one that teaches him innuendos!  I just want to tell him not to say them!!!  You know- do as I say, not as I do.  But I do love a good sexual innuendo.  Every now and then I share with people outside of Doug, but I try really hard to keep my trashy mind on the down low.  I don’t want to offend anyone.  Doug’s really the only person that has the “joy” of my unfiltered mind. 

Guilty pleasures are really quite lovely.   


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