
Alexa got a new big girl bike for her birthday a few weeks ago.   Lord, she's been a maniac on that thing.  I won't lie- I have hovered a bit, because I am afraid she'll wipe out and then never get back on it again.  Plus, she's got my "grace" with Doug's affinity for accidents, she's a disaster waiting to happen.  So anyway, she's really improving on it and she LOVES to go fast!  She also likes to turn her head and talk to us- which results in a wild veer off into the grass, then her legs fly out to the sides and she's shrieking, "HELP!!!"  (I'm no help, because I laugh- every single time!)

The other day we were walking the dog, Alexa was riding her bike, and Andrew was running up and down the street, dribbling the basketball.  He suddenly says, "Alexa, wanna race home?!"  So they go tearing off down the street.  Half way down, Alexa stops turns to me with the saddest face and says, "I can't beat him! My feet don't go fast enough!"

For whatever reason, my children are crazy competitive.  I don't know why either.  They're 5 years apart. One's a boy, one's a girl.  They are treated fairly (I think), they get individual attention. It doesn't matter- everything is a competition: who can get buckled in the car first, who can eat dinner first, who can get here fastest, who can do whatever- first.  Alexa loses every time.  It's starting to make her a little crazy.  Being that Andrew is Doug's child- he can not try to win.  He must win.  Every. Single. Time. No. Matter. What.

Oh, poor Alexa.  I totally understand how she feels.  Doug beats me at everything.  It's infuriating.  The only thing I do better than him- is organize.  Except that's not even a competition.  There's no satisfying feel of . . . "Hah! I beat you!!!!"  I never get to stand up and pump my fists and yell, "YES!  I WINNNNNNN, YOU LOSE!!!!!!"  (not that I'd be a bad sport or anything)

When Doug and I were still dating, we decided to go play some tennis.  Doug was beating the heck out of me (and possibly talking trash).  The "game" ended with me hurling my tennis racket across the court at him. The only thing I hurt, was my racket, when it hit the ground and got all bent up.

We can play games together- as long as we're on the same side.  If we're competing against each other . . . forget it.  I turn into a raging lunatic who wants to win at all costs (for the record- this is different from Doug's competitive raging lunacy because he wants people to play their best to win- but still play a fair, good sportsman game.  Not me.  I'll draw his blood to win- if I have to)

Last week we were at the beach with our friends.  We play a pretty mean game of Mexican Train with the Dominoes.  After 2 days of playing through the evenings, and Doug thwarting me for hours, I had had enough!!!!!  I was going to get even.  I may not be able to beat him- but I'll sure make it hard for him.  My strategy changed from, trying to win, to making it hard as pooh for Doug to do anything.  (I'm a good wife.) The thing is . . . Doug was so nice.  He never got mad at me.  He didn't get visibly frustrated.  He just wants to know what he can do, to make me happier- without him losing.  That takes all the thunder out of my vengeance.  I mean- honestly!  How can I continue to throw down dominoes that will ruin him, when he's being so nice?  Darn him!!!!!!

So, back to Alexa losing the bike race.  I was trying to figure out what to say to her.  I know what I'll teach her when she's older (we don't care if we lose to anyone else, but with your brother- go for the throat!!!!), but as for now . . .  I'm not really sure.  I guess we'll focus on the things she can do well.  But when she's older . . . hah, all bets are off!  It's gonna get real up in here!!!!


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